InterOpMay2003 VOQL

Agenda, Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Agenda for the InterOpMay2003VOQL session is

Item Activity PresentersSorted ascending Comments
5 Discussion on Work Plan toward IVOQL ALL Afternoon Session
4 Language to be used to describe IVOQL Ed Shaya Afternoon Session
  Present status and planned future extension of some National VOQLs toward IVOQL II. Francois Ochsenbein, Clive Page, Patrick Dowler Morning Session, 15-20 min. each + short question/discussion
2 Science Use Cases to be implemented to IVOQL Masahiro Tanaka Afternoon Session
3 What conditions are required to develop IVOQL, considering future extension MasatoshiOhishi Afternoon Session
1 Present status and planned future extension of some National VOQLs toward IVOQL I. Naoki Yasuda, Ed Shaya, WilliamOMullane Morning Session, 15-20 min. each + short question/discussion
  Coffee Break    
  Coffee Break    

Note: For items 1) through 4), the tasks of presenters are to kick off our discussion.

Verbatim notes from the meeting are available here

  • q.txt: Slides from Clive Page (as text file)

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf CVO-Constraints2003.pdf r1 manage 329.8 K 2003-05-28 - 18:35 PatrickDowler presentation to VOQL meeting
PowerPointppt Ochsenbein-voql-notes.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/InterOpMay2003VOQL/Ochsenbein-voql-notes.ppt,v manage 265.5 K 2003-05-21 - 03:28 MasatoshiOhishi Francois's Presentation file
PowerPointppt Report_of_VOQLWG.ppt r1 manage 95.5 K 2003-05-15 - 14:48 MasatoshiOhishi Presentation in the Plenary
PowerPointppt Requrements.ppt r1 manage 3347.0 K 2003-05-15 - 14:51 MasatoshiOhishi Presetation on May 14
PowerPointppt SkyQueryIVOA_12052003.ppt r2 r1 manage 145.5 K 2003-05-14 - 09:49 WilliamOMullane Slides for SKYQuery Talk
PowerPointppt Status-of-JVO-Query-Language.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/InterOpMay2003VOQL/Status-of-JVO-Query-Language.ppt,v manage 63.0 K 2003-05-20 - 10:50 MasatoshiOhishi Naoki Yasuda's Presentation file
PowerPointppt VOQIVOA_12052003.ppt r1 manage 153.0 K 2003-05-15 - 09:00 WilliamOMullane Thought for architecture
PowerPointppt VOQL-UseCase.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/InterOpMay2003VOQL/VOQL-UseCase.ppt,v manage 57.0 K 2003-05-20 - 10:51 MasatoshiOhishi Masahiro Tanaka's Presentation file
Texttxt VOQLnotes.txt r1 manage 15.8 K 2003-05-14 - 16:42 BobMann Verbatim notes of meeting
Texttxt q.txt r1 manage 2.7 K 2003-05-21 - 15:51 ClivePage Slides from Clive Page (as text file)
PowerPointppt voql.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/IvoaVOQLHistoric/voql.ppt,v manage 191.0 K 2003-05-14 - 13:22 MasatoshiOhishi Ed Shaya's presentation
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