InterOpMay2004 VOQL



Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
PowerPointppt VOQL_040524_PL.ppt r1 manage 257.5 K 2004-05-28 - 17:44 MasatoshiOhishi Target of the meeting
PDFpdf VOQL_040528_PL.pdf r1 manage 65.2 K 2004-05-28 - 15:43 MasatoshiOhishi Summary of May2004 Meeting
PowerPointppt VOQL_040528_PL.ppt r1 manage 130.0 K 2004-05-28 - 17:18 MasatoshiOhishi Summary of May2004 Meeting (ppt)
PowerPointppt VOQL-ADQL-BOSTON.ppt r1 manage 601.5 K 2004-05-27 - 13:27 WilliamOMullane Slides for talk on ADQL 0,7.4
PowerPointppt AstroGridDatacenters.ppt r3 r2 r1 manage 106.0 K 2004-05-25 - 18:21 MartinHill AstroGrid's SkyNode
PowerPointppt AxisBasedSkyNode.ppt r2 r1 manage 545.5 K 2004-05-25 - 13:15 RamonWilliamson Slides for talk on Java SkyNode
PowerPointppt UnitsInADQL.ppt r2 r1 manage 101.5 K 2004-05-25 - 14:45 MartinHill Martin's proposal for adding units to ADQL
PowerPointppt VOQL-WG-yshirasa.ppt r1 manage 136.0 K 2004-05-25 - 14:31 YujiSHIRASAKI Slides on ADQL/s syntax by Yuji SHIRASAKI
PowerPointppt SimpleADQLEnhancements.ppt r1 manage 21.0 K 2004-05-24 - 20:57 ClivePage Simple ADQL Enhancements - Clive Page
PowerPointppt units.ppt r1 manage 78.0 K 2004-05-24 - 20:59 ClivePage Units - Clive Page's talk
PowerPointppt xmatch.ppt r1 manage 31.0 K 2004-05-24 - 20:58 ClivePage XMATCH function
PDFpdf DraftAgenda_VOQL_May04.pdf r1 manage 11.5 K 2004-05-22 - 01:35 MasatoshiOhishi Draft Agenda for the May 2004 Meeting
PDFpdf VOQL-yshirasa-2004-05-v0-5.pdf r1 manage 73.0 K 2004-05-22 - 01:34 MasatoshiOhishi Slides on ADQL/s syntax by Shirasaki
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Topic revision: r17 - 2007-01-19 - BrunoRino
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