Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt KyotoApplicationsIG.ppt r1 manage 173.0 K 2005-05-24 - 17:30 BobHanisch Applications IG Summary
PowerPointppt KyotoVOEventWG.ppt r1 manage 199.0 K 2005-05-20 - 04:37 NicholasWalton VOEvent - closing plenary
PowerPointppt Logistics05May.ppt r1 manage 298.0 K 2005-05-19 - 05:34 MasatoshiOhishi logistics
PowerPointppt RegPlen02.ppt r3 r2 r1 manage 250.0 K 2005-05-20 - 02:47 TonyLinde  
PowerPointppt VOEventPlenaryTalk.ppt r1 manage 620.0 K 2005-05-16 - 03:33 AlasdairAllan VOEvent Plenary Talk
PowerPointppt VOQL_050516_PL.ppt r1 manage 29.0 K 2005-05-19 - 05:41 MasatoshiOhishi VOQL status and targets
PowerPointppt VOQL_050520_PL.ppt r1 manage 40.5 K 2005-05-20 - 03:16 MasatoshiOhishi Summary of Kyoto VOQL meetings
PowerPointppt VOTconclude.ppt r1 manage 146.5 K 2005-05-20 - 03:00 FrancoisOchsenbein VOTable Conclusions (Friday)
PowerPointppt VOTstatus.ppt r1 manage 68.0 K 2005-05-16 - 02:24 FrancoisOchsenbein VOTable status & plans
PowerPointppt Welcome05May.ppt r1 manage 957.0 K 2005-05-19 - 05:29 MasatoshiOhishi Welcome address (Ohishi)
PowerPointppt al-kyoto.ppt r1 manage 643.5 K 2005-05-16 - 05:45 AndyLawrence Tech Roadmap and charge to participants
PowerPointppt dal-plenary1.ppt r1 manage 564.0 K 2005-05-20 - 00:12 DougTody DAL Opening Plenary Talk
PowerPointppt dal-plenary2.ppt r1 manage 564.5 K 2005-05-20 - 05:11 DougTody DAL - Closing Summation and Roadmap
PDFpdf kyoto-p1-astrorg.pdf r1 manage 112.2 K 2005-05-16 - 02:23 NicholasWalton  
Unknown file formatsxi r1 manage 201.9 K 2005-05-19 - 00:44 JonathanMcDowell <nop>DataModels Plenary Talk
PDFpdf kyoto.road.pdf r1 manage 143.6 K 2005-05-20 - 05:02 JonathanMcDowell Data Models roadmap
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Topic revision: r39 - 2007-01-17 - BrunoRino
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