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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt 20050516ESAVOSkyNode-IO.ppt r1 manage 347.0 K 2005-05-19 - 07:48 ChristopheArviset ESA XMM-Newton Full SkyNode in Java
PDFpdf GAVO-VOQLPresentation.pdf r1 manage 23.6 K 2005-05-17 - 02:09 MarkusDolensky Datamining <nop>VizieR and SDSS by G. Lemson
PDFpdf Kyoto-VOQL-S1-YujiShirasaki-final.pdf r1 manage 185.3 K 2005-05-17 - 07:50 YujiSHIRASAKI JVO Skynode Implementation Experience
PDFpdf Kyoto-VOQL-YujiShirasaki-final.pdf r1 manage 354.6 K 2005-05-17 - 02:14 MarkusDolensky Common Interface for Astr Data Service (fin. ver.)
PowerPointppt Kyoto-VOQL-YujiShirasaki-final.ppt r1 manage 545.0 K 2005-05-17 - 07:54 YujiSHIRASAKI all the slides presented at session1 and 2
PowerPointppt VOQL_050516_PL.ppt r1 manage 29.0 K 2005-05-19 - 00:22 MasatoshiOhishi Plenary on May 16
PowerPointppt VOQL_050520_PL.ppt r1 manage 40.5 K 2005-05-25 - 10:06 MasatoshiOhishi Plenary on May 20
PowerPointppt dal-adql.ppt r1 manage 574.0 K 2005-05-19 - 05:55 DougTody DAL-ADQL Integration
PDFpdf voql1Notes.pdf r1 manage 13.9 K 2005-05-19 - 00:23 MasatoshiOhishi Minutes for Session 1 (May 16 afternoon)
Texttxt voql2_dal1_minutes.txt r1 manage 1.9 K 2005-05-17 - 03:19 MarkusDolensky minutes of session VOQL2/DAL1 by M. Dolensky
PowerPointppt wil-IVOA-VOQL-KYOTO.ppt r1 manage 686.0 K 2005-05-17 - 05:38 WilliamOMullane  
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Topic revision: r24 - 2007-01-17 - BrunoRino
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