IVOA Interoperability Meeting

Beijing, China, 14-18 May 2007

Data Access Layer Sessions


DAL-1 - Monday afternoon 16:00-17:30

  • Doug Tody - SSA Protocol Update (pdf)
  • Doug Tody - getCapabilities Proposal and Issues (pdf)
  • Ray Plante - Defining VO Extensions for DAL Protocols

DAL-1b (ad hoc follow-on meeting) - Monday 18:40-19:45

  • Discussion of getCapabilities, Registry/DAL integration
  • minutes (.txt)

DAL-2/DM-2 (Joint session) - Tuesday Morning 10:30-12:00

  • Jesus Salgado, Pedro Osuna - SLAP Update and Plans (ppt)
  • Jonathan McDowell - Spectrum Data Model
  • All - Discussion on taking SSAP, Spectrum to PR

DAL-3/VOQL-3 (Joint Session) - Wednesday Morning 10:30-12:00

  • Pedro Osuna - TAP Introduction
  • Doug Tody - DAL Perspective (ppt)
  • Aurelien Stebe - VOQL Perspective

DAL-4/VOQL-4 (Joint Session) - Thursday Morning 10:30-12:00

  • Kona Andrews (or rep) - Asynchronicity in TAP
  • Francois Ochsenbein - Database/Table Metadata (pdf)
  • All - discussion of TAP

DAL-5 - Thursday Afternoon 16:00-17:30

  • Chao Lui - DAL Implementations in China-VO (Moved to AstroRG session)
  • SIA V2 Introduction
  • Francois Bonnarel - SIA V2 requirements at CDS (ppt)
  • Markus Dolensky - SIA V2 requirements at ESO (pdf)
  • Doug Tody - SIA V2 key issues, general discussion (ppt)
  • Conclusion

Anyone giving a presentation or discussing a specification should attach their documents to this page.

Recent versions of the SSA protocol and data model documents can be found here, along with some related materials (e.g., the data model spreadsheet).

The Simple Cone Search protocol is now a Preliminary Recommendation and is in the final stages of the RFC process.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted ascending Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt SIA2CDS.ppt r1 manage 1225.0 K 2007-05-18 - 04:59 DougTody SIA V2 view f rom CDS
PowerPointppt SLAP_Beijing.ppt r1 manage 57.0 K 2007-05-18 - 02:42 DougTody SLAP Update
PowerPointppt Spectrum.ppt r1 manage 226.0 K 2007-05-18 - 03:19 DougTody Spectrum Data Model Update
PDFpdf dal-plenary1.pdf r1 manage 85.0 K 2007-05-15 - 06:03 DougTody Opening Plenary Remarks
PowerPointppt dal-tap.ppt r1 manage 126.0 K 2007-05-18 - 02:57 DougTody TAP Design Analysis and Issues
Texttxt dal1-20070514.txt r1 manage 3.0 K 2007-05-15 - 00:59 MarkusDolensky Minutes of DAL1 + Follow on session, 14-May-2007
PowerPointppt siapv2.ppt r1 manage 117.5 K 2007-05-18 - 03:11 DougTody SIAP V2.0 Planning
PDFpdf siav2features.pdf r1 manage 50.9 K 2007-05-17 - 08:43 MarkusDolensky SIA V2 Feature Wishlist
PDFpdf ssap-update.pdf r1 manage 107.8 K 2007-05-15 - 06:17 DougTody SSAP Update and getCapabilities Proposal
PowerPointppt stageData.ppt r1 manage 116.0 K 2007-05-18 - 03:54 DougTody DAL Async/stageData Proposal
PDFpdf tap-metadata.pdf r1 manage 345.1 K 2007-05-16 - 23:56 FrancoisOchsenbein  
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