Data Models Session at the May 2008 Interop Meeting

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General Data models Sessions: DRAFT SCHEDULE

Speaker Title File Time
  DM1. Joint session Monday 19, 14.30- 16.00    
  VOTable VOQL    
F.Ochsenbein Utypes in Votable   15'
M.Louys More about Utypes   10'
A.Richards Units   10'
N. Gray Uri mecanism for Utypes   10'
M.Louys Discussion: Should we use Utypes for all models  
This is more a discussion session : express your self on these topics
  Utypes UFI Units    
  Data Models 2. Thur 22 9.00-10.30    
M.L. Dubernet DM for Lines for Atomic and Molecular Physics   15 '
F. Bonnarel Provenance and Characterisation advanced levels   20'
A. Richards How far should we model complex data   15'
  interferometry, polarization, ... ?    
G. Lemson SimDB : A model for numerical simulations   15'
M.Louys Photometry and other projects   10'
  Data Models 3. Friday 23, 11:00-12:30    
L. Michel Mapping metadata for heterogeneous collections of astronomical data:   15'
& F. Bonnarel from Fits to Characterisation Utypes in SAADA.      
F. Bonnarel Easy handling of characterisation metadata via CAMEA   15'
I. Chilingarian Uses cases for advanced characterisation Metadata   15'
  Rationalise binding from UML Models
G. Lemson Metadata Modeling principles   15'
L. Bourgès XSLT translation pipeline   15'

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Topic revision: r3 - 2008-05-19 - MireilleLouys
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