TWiki> IVOA Web>InterOpMay2009VOTable (revision 1)EditAttach

VOTable Session

Thursday 28 May, 10:30-12:00 (amphitheatre)

Despite of the announcement that the Baltimore session in October 2008 would be the last one of the VOTable group, there are a few pending issues before the final REC of VOTable1.2 (draft)

The agenda is preliminary -- it could be changed depending on previous discussions

  • the changes in VOTable1.2 that could raise incompatibilites
  • the TAP connection: additions/modifications to ensure that VOTable satisfies the TAP needs
  • the SimDAP connection (Rick Wagner ?)
  • The future of VOTable

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Topic revision: r1 - 2009-05-21 - FrancoisOchsenbein
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