DM Sessions at the May 2013 Interop Meeting (Heidelberg)

Speaker Title Time(m) Materials
DM1: Ongoing DMs: Monday 13 May 16:00-17:30, gHS
Kristin Riebe Provenance Data Model from GAVO 15 pdf
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Spectral DM 2.0 15 pdf
P. Giommi Data Quality DM 15  
F. Bonnarel CharDM utypes in action 10  
D. Tody/F. Bonnarel/All ImageDM draft and brainstorming --  
DM2: Utypes in Action VO-DML: Thrusday 16 May 14:00-15:30, gHS
Baptiste Cecconi UCD and Utypes in the Planetary Science VO 15  
Jesus Salgado PhotDM status 10  
Gerard Lemson Translating current DMs into VO/DML 15  
All Brainstorming --  
Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted ascending Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf IVOA2013-ProvenanceDM.pdf r1 manage 310.9 K 2013-05-14 - 12:14 KristinRiebe Talk
PDFpdf SpectralDM_status.pdf r1 manage 148.1 K 2013-05-13 - 08:19 MarkCresitelloDittmar Spectral DM 2.0 status
PDFpdf dt-ImageDM.pdf r1 manage 542.5 K 2013-05-13 - 14:02 DougTody Image Data Model - overview, key issues
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Topic revision: r8 - 2013-05-16 - JesusSalgado
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