Focus Sessions on Multi-d Data and Time Domain Astronomy

The focus sessions aim to engage projects and surveys that produce and use multi-dimensional data (including radio astronomy, IFU, high energy and simulation data) and Time Domain data (time series, light curves, transient event reports) in a discussion on the role of VO technologies in these areas.

The topics to be addressed by the focus sessions include:

  • The potential benefits of using VO technologies for multi-dimensional, and time domain data, and what level of interoperability should be aimed for.

  • The levels of description (metadata) of multi-dimensional data cubes and time domain data, that are required for finding, combining and analyzing these data from multiple telescopes and archives.

  • What practical measures can be undertaken to facilitate the use of IVOA standards, and to ensure their relevance to current and future projects and surveys.
The focus sessions will run for half a day on each topic, and will include invited presentations from relevant projects and surveys, with significant time devoted to a panel discussion with IVOA working groups. Email discussion with invited presenters and panel members is envisaged prior to the meeting.

Tuesday May 14: Focus Session on Multi-dimensional data

Invited Presentations 9h-10h30

Time Speaker Title Materials
9h   Introduction  

Panel discussion 11h-12h30

Panel members

Wednesday May 15: Focus Session on Time Domain Astronomy

Invited Presentations 9h-10h30

Time Speaker Title Materials
9h   Introduction  

Panel discussion 11h-12h30

Panel members

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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-20 - MarkAllen
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