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PDFpdf IVOA-RWG-upgrades-rofr.pdf r1 manage 178.2 K 2013-05-21 - 18:09 RayPlante Plante presentation
PDFpdf MMolinaro_Heidelberg2013_RegTAP.pdf r1 manage 752.7 K 2013-05-16 - 14:18 MarcoMolinaro RegTAP implementation notes
PDFpdf MOC-WD1.0-Fernique-Heidelberg.pdf r1 manage 635.5 K 2013-05-15 - 05:21 PierreFernique MOC Working Draft presentation
PDFpdf MizarMOC.pdf r1 manage 415.7 K 2013-05-15 - 05:30 PierreFernique  
PowerPointppt RegStatus_Coverage.ppt r1 manage 269.0 K 2013-05-14 - 14:56 GretchenGreene Registry Status on Coverage
Unknown file formatpptx VAORegistrySchemaUpdatesInterfaces_IVOA2013.pptx r1 manage 128.9 K 2013-05-16 - 10:40 TheresaDower  
PDFpdf VOIndexingPDF.pdf r1 manage 207.1 K 2013-05-14 - 09:48 TomDonaldson  
PDFpdf WFAU_use_of_MOC.pdf r1 manage 117.8 K 2013-05-15 - 05:24 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf normand_lesidaner_registry_interfaceIVOA2013.pdf r1 manage 166.9 K 2013-05-16 - 09:38 PierreLeSidaner rest_interface
PDFpdf note_proposition_registry_rest_api.pdf r1 manage 186.7 K 2013-05-16 - 09:45 PierreLeSidaner rest interface note
PDFpdf savalle_lesidaner_validatorIVOA2013.pdf r1 manage 388.4 K 2013-05-16 - 04:39 PierreLeSidaner registry_curation
PDFpdf tc_moc.pdf r1 manage 211.1 K 2013-05-14 - 13:52 MarkTaylor  
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Topic revision: r17 - 2013-05-21 - RayPlante
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