TWiki> IVOA Web>WebPreferences>InterOpMay2016>InterOpMay2016-EduIG (revision 15) (raw view)EditAttach
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Unknown file formatpptx DataBasedEPO_IVOA2016_20160510.pptx r1 manage 8288.6 K 2016-05-13 - 10:02 ChenzhouCui Data Based Education and Public Outreach by Chenhzou Cui
PDFpdf IVOA-CapeTown-2016-Edu.pdf r1 manage 22997.9 K 2016-05-12 - 13:17 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf IVOA-May2016-Govender.pdf r1 manage 5361.0 K 2016-05-13 - 12:21 MassimoRamellaINAF Kevin Governer - Role of VO in OAD
PDFpdf VAPE_edu.pdf r1 manage 539.4 K 2016-05-12 - 12:10 MarcoMolinaro VAPE status presentation
PDFpdf VO_goes_to_school.pdf r1 manage 2306.8 K 2016-05-13 - 07:13 MassimoRamellaINAF Ramella_VO_and_education_IVOA_2016
PDFpdf curation.pdf r1 manage 469.2 K 2016-05-12 - 14:38 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf gaia.pdf r1 manage 35.5 K 2016-05-24 - 21:52 HendriklHein Gaia as an opportunity of VO education
PDFpdf pop.pdf r2 r1 manage 39.7 K 2016-05-24 - 21:50 HendriklHein Vo days - keeping up a tradition
PDFpdf teacher-workshop.pdf r1 manage 864.0 K 2016-05-12 - 12:04 KristinRiebe Slides for teacher workshop (Kristin Riebe)
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Topic revision: r15 - 2016-05-24 - HendriklHein
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