Plenary 1, Monday May 9 2016

Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG

Speaker Title File
Donaldson WG Applications  
Bonnarel WG DAL pdf
Cresitello-Dittmar WG DM pdf
Major WG GWS pdf
Demleitner WG Registry pdf
Louys WG Semantics  
Genova IG DCP pdf
Ramella IG Education pdf
Polsterer IG KDIG  
McGlynn IG Operations pdf
Le Petit IG Theory  
Swinbank IG Time Domain pdf

Plenary 2, Friday May 13 2016

WG/IG session summaries, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG

Speaker TitleSorted ascending File
Genova IG DCP pdf
Ramella IG Education pdf
Polsterer IG KDIG pdf
McGlynn IG Operations pdf
Le Petit IG Theory pdf
Swinbank IG Time Domain pdf
Donaldson WG Applications pdf
Bonnarel WG DAL pdf
Cresitello-Dittmar WG DM pdf
Major WG GWS pdf
Demleitner WG Registry pdf
Louys WG Semantics  

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 20160509_-_Charge_To_TDIG.pdf r2 r1 manage 393.6 K 2016-05-09 - 07:29 JohnSwinbank  
PDFpdf 20160513_-_TDIG_Status.pdf r1 manage 398.7 K 2016-05-13 - 10:17 JohnSwinbank  
PDFpdf ApplicationsWGClosingSmall.pdf r2 r1 manage 99.7 K 2016-05-13 - 10:25 TomDonaldson  
PDFpdf Concluding.pdf r1 manage 270.0 K 2016-05-13 - 11:17 FrancoisBonnarel DAL Concluding remarks
PDFpdf DALIntroMay2016.pdf r1 manage 32.9 K 2016-05-09 - 08:30 FrancoisBonnarel DAL introduction report May 2016 South Africa
PDFpdf DataCP_1stPlenary.pdf r1 manage 351.2 K 2016-05-09 - 05:31 FrancoiseGenova  
PDFpdf DataCP_2ndPlenary.pdf r1 manage 26.2 K 2016-05-13 - 11:41 FrancoiseGenova  
Unknown file formatpptx DataCP_2ndPlenary.pptx r1 manage 46.9 K 2016-05-12 - 13:14 FrancoiseGenova  
PDFpdf DataModelCloseMay2016.pdf r1 manage 113.6 K 2016-05-12 - 20:12 MarkCresitelloDittmar  
PDFpdf DataModelOpenMay2016.pdf r1 manage 92.4 K 2016-05-12 - 20:12 MarkCresitelloDittmar  
PDFpdf Education_Interest_Group_Summary.pdf r1 manage 458.2 K 2016-05-13 - 08:08 MassimoRamellaINAF Summary EduIG Ramella
PDFpdf GWS-Plenary1.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 103.0 K 2016-05-09 - 07:48 BrianMajor  
PDFpdf GWS-Plenary2.pdf r2 r1 manage 51.0 K 2016-05-13 - 09:13 BrianMajor  
PDFpdf InterOpStellenbosh_Theory_Opening.pdf r1 manage 207.9 K 2016-05-09 - 06:48 FranckLePetit  
PDFpdf KDDIG.pdf r1 manage 45.3 K 2016-05-13 - 08:04 KaiLarsPolsterer Summary of KDD IG discussions
PDFpdf OperationsWrapupMay2016.pdf r1 manage 45.1 K 2016-05-13 - 10:14 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf OpsCharMay2016.pdf r1 manage 354.5 K 2016-05-09 - 08:15 TomMcGlynn Operations Interest Group Charge May 2016
PDFpdf SemanticsPlenaryMay2016Conclusions.pdf r1 manage 476.8 K 2016-05-13 - 13:04 MireilleLouys  
PDFpdf SemanticsPlenarymay2016.pdf r1 manage 436.3 K 2016-05-08 - 21:04 MireilleLouys  
PDFpdf Theory_Closing_Stellenbosh_16.pdf r1 manage 91.3 K 2016-05-13 - 10:56 FranckLePetit  
PDFpdf Theory_Opening.pdf r2 r1 manage 207.9 K 2016-05-09 - 09:50 FranckLePetit  
PDFpdf opening_EducationIG.pdf r1 manage 281.8 K 2016-05-09 - 08:43 MassimoRamellaINAF Charge to Education Interest Group, May 2016
PDFpdf registry-closing.pdf r1 manage 344.0 K 2016-05-13 - 11:39 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf registry-opening.pdf r2 r1 manage 450.6 K 2016-05-09 - 10:02 MarkusDemleitner  
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