TWiki> IVOA Web>WebPreferences>InterOpMay2018DM (revision 15)EditAttach

DM sessions - draft program

DM1 Tuesday 29 16h-17h30 Spirit CD

Title Speaker Duration Materials


VO-DML, vodataservice tablesets description for VOtables and utypes François Bonnarel 15+3 pdf
VODML Mapping WD: Reference Implementations and Tools GL OL TD
+ Modeling Implementations Website OL 10 [html]
+ Rama, an Astropy aware Python parser for VODML OL 10 [html]
+ Mapping Tool GL 20  
+ Hubble Source Catalog Implementation TD 15 pdf
+ Demo of interoperability between independent implementations TD    
+ Simplifying the VODML Mapping syntax OL 10 [html]
+ Collaborating and Testing: GIT and Continuous Integration OL 10 [html]
Questions   15  

VODML hackathon Wednesday May 30 14h-17h30 Spirit

Session page

DM 2 Thursday May 31 16h-17h30 Spirit AB

Title SpeakerSorted descending Duration Materials
Provenance Provenance Team 20 pdf
IVOA types model Pat Dowler 15 pdf
STC status MCD 20 pdf
Cube status MCD 15 pdf
Chairing/Introduction LM 5  
Annotation of explorative data analysis results Kai Polsterer 15 [pdf]

-- LaurentMichel - 2018-05-23

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 2018-05-31_servillat_IVOA_provenance.pdf r1 manage 3568.0 K 2018-05-31 - 23:05 MathieuServillat  
PDFpdf VO-DML_HSC_Workflow-compressed.pdf r1 manage 1997.3 K 2018-05-29 - 22:04 TomDonaldson  
PDFpdf VO_DML_utypes.pdf r1 manage 2848.1 K 2018-05-29 - 23:00 FrancoisBonnarel  
PDFpdf ivoa-dm.pdf r1 manage 275.8 K 2018-05-31 - 22:00 PatrickDowler  
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Topic revision: r15 - 2018-05-31 - MathieuServillat
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