Françoise, Trustworthy Data Repositories

  • Certification of data centers.
  • CDS got certified.
  • Useful because of the feedback from experts.
  • CoreTrustSeal preferred (ISO too expensive)
  • Strongly feel that certification is really important.

André, Tim: DOI Note status

  • ADASS BoF had follow up session on DOIs.
  • Had meetings with AAS, Planetary Data and Chandra on DOIs.
  • Sent round survey asking about DOI usage.
  • Aim to release draft at Groningen meeting.
  • DOI best practices in astronomy.

Q: DOIs are primitive, aren’t we really talking about data publication best practices?

A: Survey should determine what we are covering.

Raffaele: Chandra

  • Chandra migrating to persistent identifiers.
  • All papers using Chandra data should be tied to the original datasets.
  • Metrics then used to demonstrate that the archive is being used.
  • Were always required to use persistent identifiers but now switching to Datacite DOIs.
  • Want to know how much data is used for different types of publications.
  • Continually have to follow up on authors to make sure they include identifiers.
  • Can track evolution of archive usage.
  • Can also try to track when multiple datasets from different missions are combined.
  • Collection pages link paper to multiple datasets.
  • Detailed metadata plan.
  • Using DataCite metadata schema 4.1 but still needs work for astronomy.
  • Need to mint 40,000 DOIs to backfill archive.
  • Why does obscore mandata IVO identifiers and doesn’t allow use of DOI.

Séverin: CADC Self-serve DOIs

  • Wanting to publish data that they have generated for their paper.
  • Cross-linking data to a paper.
  • Initially minting DOIs manually (on request) since 2013.
  • Self-serve since March 2019.
  • Publishing of VOSpace areas.
  • Files are locked once minted.
  • System set up to allow paper reviewers to see the data before minting.
  • Built on top of VO services.

Q: Are there constraints on what can be stored for minting?

A: No. Whatever author wants to put in there to be associated with the paper.

Q: How do you track raw data holdings usages?

A: CADC aren’t required to do so. Telescopes themselves care more about data usage.

Q: Where is the code?

A: Should be open source. Will make sure it’s available.

Yihan : PaperData Updates

  • China-VO systems for uploading data use for journal publications to get DOIs.
  • Issuing IVOID and DOI.
  • Requires that the paper has been accepted before a DOI is issued and the metadata is complete and true.
  • Once DOI issued everything is locked.
  • Versioned DOIs are supported.
  • Compliant with AAS Journals rules.

Q: Can a DOI be reserved before acceptance of paper?

A: Not in plan at the moment.

Deborah : ESA Science Archives DOI plans

  • ESA can issue DOIs using 10.5270
  • Already issue DOIs for missions and space craft for Earth observation.
  • Really want to make it easy to link data to papers.
  • ESA DOIs refer to current best calibrated version of data. No new DOI if calibration improves.
  • DOIs deliberately opaque so that people can’t guess what they mean
  • Not even sequential.
  • Formal Data releases do get DOIs.
  • Each proposal collection gets a DOI — not individual observations.
  • Proposing to mint DOIs from selecting observations from archive (as MAST do already).
  • DOIs for high level science products uploaded back to ESA.

Q: I don’t understand the single DOI even if recalibrated. This seems to go against the definition of DOI. A: We don’t have the older calibrations of Herschel for example. Q: Why not deprecate the original DOI pointing to a new DOI? There is no way to reproduce a paper if the calibrated data have changed.

Schade: RDA as relevant to DCP

RDA is a Multi-disciplinary organization on data management infrastructure. Helpful to monitor where RDA is going. Usually very high level abstractions of topics. RDA is a place where you could look for relevant outputs that represent useful thinking on your subject. Data citation of evolving data. Prefer to archive the query rather than the data itself. The query must be able to reflect the date that the query is relevant for. This is not always possible in astronomy.

Q: Zwolf has implemented a version of the evolving data citation system. Q: In planetary science you only get DOI to full dataset and can’t specify a subset for your paper.

Zwolf: RDA Federation Identity Management & usage in VAMDC

Aim is to remove obstacles to research by dealing with federated identity. Try to track an individual even if they move institutions. VAMDC integrated with Scholix and Zenodo.

Q: Please respond to the DOI survey.

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