DCP IG Session, Virtual IVOA Interoperability meeting, Everywhere

"Share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long-term curation and preservation of astronomical data"

During the last DCP Session in Groningen we ended the session with a short discussion, linked to FAIRness and about Machine-readable licence attached to data.

As a reminder the short presentation: Machine-readable licence attached to data (proposed by Françoise Genova)

We decided then to have a discussion later around this topic

Tuesday May 5 -Where you are - 4:30 UTC

Session etherpad

Speaker Title Time Materials
Françoise Genova FAIR Data Maturity Model (RD WG) 15 ...
All Discussion 45 See Session Minutes

Since Groningen, the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model WG has produced a version of its Recommendations which is open for comments until May 15th following RDA Request for Comments rules. The test of a preliminary version of the criteria performed in the framework of the ESCAPE project has shown that the FAIR practices in astronomy, which build on shared data formats and the IVOA standards, can be different from the ones recommended by the FAIR principles, and are sometimes not compliant with the criteria developed by the RDA WG. One of the issues is with licences. In most cases, we rely on community ethics (cite the origin of what you reuse) rather than on explicit licences, which is also expected to be machine readable. The IVOA appears to be a good venue to discuss licences in astronomy, in the framework of the Data Curation & Preservation IG.

RDA Request for Comments

Direct link to the document submitted for comments

Minutes from the 2 previous Interoperability meetings in Paris and Groningen:

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Topic revision: r5 - 2020-05-04 - AndreSchaaff
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