Radioastronomy Interest Group Session

Tuesday May 5th, 13:30 - 14:30 UTC, Virtual

Etherpad Notes : (saved)

Speaker Title Time Material
Mark Lacy Motivation and summary of work done so far in the Radioastronomy Interest Group 10' + 2' pdf
François Bonnarel ESCAPE radio astronomy developments 10' + 2' pdf
James Dempsey Use of VO in CASDA and other Australian Radio Archives 5' + 2' pdf
Alan Loh NenuFAR usage of VO stantards for low-frequency radio astronomy 5' + 2' pdf
Yan Grange Use of VO standards at ASTRON 5' + 2' pdf
Mark Kettenis Use of VO standards at JIVE 5' + 2' pdf
Jordan Collier Use of VO standards at IDIA 5' + 2' pdf
All Discussion and wrap-up 1' md

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted ascending Who Comment
PDFpdf Lacy_RIG.pdf r1 manage 38083.4 K 2020-05-04 - 15:43 MarkLacy  
PDFpdf Lacy_RIG_v2.pdf r1 manage 38084.5 K 2020-05-04 - 17:07 MarkLacy  
PDFpdf RadioAstronomyInESCAPE.pdf r1 manage 970.3 K 2020-05-04 - 16:27 FrancoisBonnarel radio astronomy projects in ESCAPE
PDFpdf 2020-05-05_IVOA_InterOp_AlanLoh.pdf r1 manage 13565.2 K 2020-05-05 - 08:56 BaptisteCecconi NenuFAR-VO-AlanLoh
PDFpdf IDIA_IVOA_talk.pdf r1 manage 3071.4 K 2020-05-05 - 10:55 FrancoisBonnarel South Africa IDIA VO activities
PDFpdf IVOA-2020-5-JIVE.pdf r1 manage 693.9 K 2020-05-05 - 11:42 MarkKettenis Use of VO standards at JIVE
PDFpdf JCollier_IVOA_talk.pdf r1 manage 7104.4 K 2020-05-05 - 13:34 FrancoisBonnarel South Africa IDIA VO activities
PDFpdf VO-ASTRON.pdf r2 r1 manage 4293.7 K 2020-05-05 - 14:42 YanGrange VO standards at ASTRON
PDFpdf VO_powering_CASDA.pdf r1 manage 1195.6 K 2020-05-05 - 03:24 JamesDempsey  
Unknown file formatmd r1 manage 3.6 K 2020-05-08 - 04:41 FrancoisBonnarel Session notes from the Etherpad
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