4 Sessions

- Session #4 Tuesday May 05 2020 06:00 UTC DM Status report
- Session #8 Tuesday May 05 2020 22:00 UTC STC progress report
- Session #18 Thursday May 07 2020 15:00 UTC Prov implementation
- Session #22 Friday May 08 2020 06:00 UTC Source model

Session #4
The chairs will present and discuss their visions on the DM usage.
If you you have to complain (or to applaud) about VO DMs, this the place to be.

Session #8
We will draw a picture of the MCT (formerly STC) status.
This the place to be to get more about the last step for these models and the implementations already done.

Session #18
Provenance is now a REC. Therefore this session is more a cross WG topic one than a DM one.
Provenance authors will report on their implementations of this model.

Session #22

The work of the source model resumed in Paris last year.
The status of this component based model as well a possible workflow to annotate archival data will be presented there.

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Topic revision: r3 - 2020-04-30 - LaurentMichel
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