Applications Working Group Sessions: May 2023, Bologna, Italy

This schedule is a draft very prone to changes!!

Wednesday, May 10, 11:00--12:30, Plenary Room
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
Thomas Boch Recent HiPS activity at CDS I will discuss new HiPS datasets generated or updated (DeCAPS DR2, DES DR2, DESI Legacy Survey DR10, HST, JWST) and experimentation (WebP, cuts by region) we developed.   15+3
Deborah Baines TAP Registry Access and ADQL in ESASky ESASky's latest version provides access to all services registered in the TAP Registry, including VizieR (CDS). TAP table metadata, sources and footprints can be loaded in ESASky with just a few clicks, and for the first time in ESASky, ADQL can be used to query TAP tables.   15+3
Markus Demleitner How to deal with different major versions of a standard in pyVO and beyond? In pyVO, we are currently overhauling the discovery of image services, and the questions we ask ourselves are probably relevant to similar consumers of VO services, too, first and foremost: what does "do an all-VO query of image services" mean when, for the forseeable future, there will be SIA1 and SIA2 services coexisting?   15+3
Matthieu Baumann Aladin Lite v3 "Aladin Lite v3" which was released in January 2023. Many features have been implemented such as the support of all sky projections visualization, a better MOC support as well as the support of FITS image rendering of up to a few gigabytes. This talk will also give instructions for people wanting to embed Aladin Lite v3 into their own web sites.   15+3
Pierre Fernique F-MOC     15+3

Thursday, May 11, 11:00--12:30, Room 216
Speaker Title Abstract Materials Time
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