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PDFpdf 2023-DMClosing-Bologna.pdf r1 manage 552.3 K 2023-05-12 - 06:32 LaurentMichel dm wg closing
PDFpdf CSP-Closing-2023A.pdf r1 manage 1041.4 K 2023-05-12 - 07:21 AdaNebot  
PDFpdf CloseDCP.pdf r2 r1 manage 177.3 K 2023-05-12 - 07:30 GillesLandais bologna closing session DCP
PDFpdf DAL_closing_2023A.pdf r2 r1 manage 326.9 K 2023-05-12 - 06:05 JamesDempsey DAL closing summary
PDFpdf GWS-final-2023a.pdf r2 r1 manage 630.1 K 2023-05-12 - 07:15 GiulianoTaffoni GWS final remarks
PDFpdf InterOpMay2023Reg_close.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 2837.0 K 2023-05-12 - 06:01 RenaudSavalle Registry Wrap-Up
PDFpdf RadioInterestGroup_closing_May2023.pdf r1 manage 115.3 K 2023-05-12 - 07:29 FrancoisBonnarel  
PDFpdf SSIGSummary2023May.pdf r2 r1 manage 376.8 K 2023-05-12 - 07:05 AnneRaugh Version 2
PDFpdf TDIG_close_2023A.pdf r1 manage 27.1 K 2023-05-11 - 20:55 MarkCresitelloDittmar TDIG Wrap-up
PDFpdf apps_final_presentation.pdf r1 manage 306.4 K 2023-05-12 - 04:38 PierreLeSidaner  
PDFpdf eduig.pdf r1 manage 73.1 K 2023-05-12 - 07:08 HendriklHein  
PDFpdf kdig_closing_IVOAInterOp_Bologna_2023.pdf r1 manage 173.4 K 2023-05-12 - 06:29 RaffaeleDAbrusco  
PDFpdf ops-review.pdf r1 manage 67.1 K 2023-05-11 - 21:08 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf semantics-closing.pdf r1 manage 20.0 K 2023-05-12 - 05:29 MarkusDemleitner  
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Topic revision: r23 - 2023-05-12 - FrancoisBonnarel
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