DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

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DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15' (pdf)
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process 20'  
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' (pdf)
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15' (pdf)
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion] 15'  
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion 15'  

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf r1 manage 961.5 K 2009-11-10 - 07:50 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf DALSession2.pdf r1 manage 368.8 K 2009-11-11 - 14:15 KeithNoddle Session 2 Intro
PDFpdf ObsTAP-issues.pdf r1 manage 38.5 K 2009-11-11 - 07:56 PatrickDowler  
PDFpdf PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf r1 manage 32.0 K 2009-11-11 - 07:54 PatrickDowler  
Compressed Zip archivezip Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip r1 manage 2960.8 K 2009-11-10 - 07:52 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf r1 manage 565.2 K 2009-11-10 - 07:52 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf SIAV2cases.pdf r1 manage 1307.6 K 2009-11-11 - 08:38 FrancoisBonnarel use cases and examples for SIAV2
PDFpdf TAPImplementationIssues.pdf r1 manage 390.4 K 2009-11-10 - 13:37 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf siapv2-nov09.pdf r1 manage 135.2 K 2009-11-10 - 07:38 DougTody SIAV2 concepts and interface
PDFpdf tap-dsa-november-2009.pdf r1 manage 521.8 K 2009-11-11 - 09:02 GuyRixon  
PDFpdf tap-pql.pdf r1 manage 79.1 K 2009-11-11 - 08:13 DougTody TAP Param Query Language (PQL)

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Topic revision: r19 - 2009-11-11 - KeithNoddle
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