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PDFpdf 20181108-Euro-VOResourcesValidationStatus-CollegePark.pdf r1 manage 1630.2 K 2018-11-08 - 20:35 ChristopheArviset  
PDFpdf OpsIntroNov2018.pdf r1 manage 828.2 K 2018-11-08 - 19:43 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf ValidationStats_2018-10-25_FINAL.pdf r1 manage 882.3 K 2018-11-08 - 20:45 PierreLeSidaner Renaud and Pierre
PDFpdf https-in-vo.pdf r1 manage 70.2 K 2019-02-11 - 13:55 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf valid-id.pdf r1 manage 49.1 K 2018-11-08 - 13:41 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf IVOA-CollegePark-2018-Ops-CDS-AS.pdf r2 r1 manage 3669.5 K 2018-11-08 - 21:24 AndreSchaaff  
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Topic revision: r18 - 2019-02-11 - MarkusDemleitner
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