Radio Interest Group session schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: DRAFT and subject to change

Radio IG

Time: Tuesday Nov 17 2020 @ 20:30 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Etherpad Notes link

Speaker Title TimeSorted ascending Material
Mark Kettenis JIVE - VO interface prototype for EVN archive 7 ' pdf
François Bonnarel Enhancing description of radio data in VO standards 8' pdf
Mark Lacy Radio IG status 10' pdf
Yan Grange The Apertif DR1 10'  
Peter Teuben Single Dish matters 10'  
All Discussion : open issues 15'  

Moderator: François Bonnarel

Notetaker: Mark Lacy

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Apertif_DR1.pdf r1 manage 9815.8 K 2020-11-17 - 20:17 YanGrange  
PDFpdf RadioDataDescription.pdf r1 manage 1103.1 K 2020-11-17 - 19:07 FrancoisBonnarel Enhancing description of radio data in VO standards
PDFpdf RadioIG-JIVE.pdf r1 manage 224.0 K 2020-11-17 - 17:28 MarkKettenis  
PDFpdf Radio_VO_2020.pdf r1 manage 981.1 K 2020-11-17 - 14:43 MarkLacy  
Quicktime moviemp4 screencap_1.mp4 r1 manage 85149.3 K 2020-11-17 - 21:49 YanGrange Screencaps of my demo
Quicktime moviemp4 screencap_2.mp4 r1 manage 76230.6 K 2020-11-17 - 21:49 YanGrange Screencaps of my demo
PDFpdf sdmatters1.pdf r1 manage 45.1 K 2020-11-17 - 22:53 PeterTeuben slides from my Single Dish discussion
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Topic revision: r10 - 2020-11-17 - PeterTeuben
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