IVOA Web Doc Hackathon at the Nov 2023 Interop, Tucson, AZ, USA

Saturday November 11 2023 11:00-12:30, Room: Steward (N 210)

This session invites participants to work together to review some key areas of the IVOA website at ivoa.net in a live "hackathon" format. We are seeking to improve the overall quality of the site by identifying specific problems such as obsolete information, incorrect or broken links, and other issues or areas in need of improvement. Bring your laptops and help us review the site and compile a list of changes for the web admins to use in correcting these issues, and helping to improve the IVOA community!

A folder has been set up in Google Drive with some worksheets that will be used during the session to gather notes and suggestions. Details below.

Session Agenda

Speaker Title Time Material
Steve Groom / Anne Raugh Intro and charge to participants 15' pdf
  Hackathon! 60' see table below
  Wrapup / Summary 15'  
See InterOpNov2023 for the complete programme.

Hackathon Materials

A list of the IVOA website sections we propose to review are listed below, these are also summarized in the introduction slides. For each section there is a link to a Google Drive worksheet to collect notes on that section. An example problem report worksheet is here. The Google Drive folder containing all these sheets is here.

Section URL Areas to focus onSorted ascending Worksheet link
Applications https://ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html all! worksheet
Documents https://ivoa.net/documents/index.html For the brave and dauntless worksheet
Astronomers - pt1 https://ivoa.net/astronomers/ Getting Started
Using the VO
Deployers https://ivoa.net/deployers/ Intro to VO Concepts worksheet
Astronomers - pt2 https://ivoa.net/astronomers/ VO Glossary
IVOA Newsletter
VO for Students & Public
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PDFpdf IVOA_Interop_Documentation_Hackathon.pdf r1 manage 66.0 K 2023-11-10 - 17:02 SteveGroom Hackathon intro slides
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Topic revision: r4 - 2023-11-11 - AnneRaugh
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