Solar System Interest Group Session at the Nov 2023 Interop, Tucson, AZ, USA

Friday November 10, 2023, Room: Steward (N 204)

14:00-15:40 MST (local time)

21:00-22:30 UTC

See InterOpNov2023 for the complete programme.


Speaker Title Material
Stéphane Erard Imaging spectroscopy storage in planetary science (and beyond)  
Among the modern instruments used for planetary observations, imaging spectrometers provide crucial information related to composition of atmospheres and planetary surfaces, and are now included in most spacecraft payloads. However, the lack of a common standard to store this 3D data hinders the use of these measurements, which typically relies on instrument-specific solutions and makes comparisons of independent datasets difficult. A specific difficulty related to planetary observations is the need to provide associated coordinates for each spectrum and a spectral vector to visualize the data, plus illumination angles to analyze them. The variety of data storage and possible solutions for standardisation is presented here.
Markus Demleitner (lead) Discussion: Word Lists in the VO  
Word lists - vocabularies and other less formalized "standard value" lists - play an important role in facilitating data discovery and supporting usability across VO data services. The Reference Frames vocabulary is a prime example of an existing vocabulary in need of expanding for planetary frames. This discussion will focus on vocabularies in development or requiring further developemtn to support planetary science within the VO, with the goal of prioritizing and mapping a path forward to keep development on track.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2023-11-04 - AnneRaugh
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