GWS Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

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Draft Schedule

Time: Saturday, November 16, 09:00-10:30

Location: Room 103

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Dave Morris Execution Planner Update 15'+5'    
Yan Grange Software Discovery Characterisation 15'+5'    
Brian Major Container Image Metadata in Science Platforms using CANFAR 15'+5'   Containers have become the 'code' in code-to-data science platforms such as CANFAR, the Rubin Science Platform, ESA DataLabs, SciServer, Rosetta, and others. This evolution provides an opportunity for platform interoperability: being able to run science containers, hosted at different containers registries, on different platforms. There are a number of considerations, and among those is the role of container (image) metadata, and how it can be used for container discovery and for consistent, reproducible execution on different science platforms. In this talk we explore the options for container metadata for platform interoperability in the real-world context of CANFAR deployments in the SKA Science Regional Centre Network.
James Tocknell SSO-next-based approach to allowing non-browser-based VO clients to use OAuth 2.x/OIDC 15'+5'   As covered at previous interops, the SSO standard is showing its age, and the SSO-next effort is trying to address this. One part that has been unclear how to address is the OAuth 2.x/Open ID Connect ecosystem of authorization and authentication. This talk follows up a previous suggestion named 'ivoa-oauth' to the GWS mailing list, with the aim to discover what's been overlooked and what needs are not met by the proposal.
Sara Bertocco SSO-next open discussion      
Moderators: JesusSalgado and IVOA.SaraBertocco

Notes: TBD

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