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This page will hold presentations, discussions and results of the Registry WG meeting. ---+ Presentations __Day 1:__ * TonyLinde: introduction, agenda and summary ([[%ATTACHURL%/IVOARegistry.ppt][powerpoint]], [[%ATTACHURL%/IVOARegistry.pdf][pdf]]) ---+ Notes __many thanks to Anita for these notes from the meeting__ <pre width=95%> Registry IVOA notes AMS Richards 11:00 2003 October 16 NB two Jan 2004 demos - AAS - AVO Munich 27-28 Jan --------------------------------------------------------------- A IDENTIFIERS Ray Plante See document on wiki V0.2 Register ID with some global authority to ensure uniqueness etc. 1. Issues to be resolved through practice: * Mirrors/versions have different identifiers - harvesters need to know mirror etc. info too. * Permanence - can identifiers be recycled? * 'ivo' xml format implies resource is _registered_ somewhere ADEC (organisation of NASA astrophysical data centres) adopted IVOA syntax. US data publishing lined to (refereed) journal papers * Need standard for logical identifiers - need to automatically point to relevant version. Are Identifiers 'logical' or static? Is there a contradiction here? 2. FAQs Who assigns IDs? Publishing registry (check to avoid duplication) What is ID content? Conventions to encourage uniqueness but decision ultimately up to authority behind ID (as long as it is in valid characters). Where register? One place (so must have all registries accessible via global registry) 3. Discussion How to manage global requirements espec uniquness of ID? How police? Trust - duplicate won't be replicated so it won't work - practical disincentive. Need good explanation for data providers Learn what mechanisms are needed in practice e.g. Jan 2004 demo **DECISION: Support recommendation to adopt IVOA Identifiers V0.2 --------------------------------------------------------------- B RESOURCE METADATA Bob Hanisch see wiki doc V0.82 See Changes creator removed, **address/tel. should be removed Title - verbose (e.g. Hubble Space Telescope) required ShortName optional Keywords - ideally one source i.e. IAU Thesaurus meanwhile will be more than one but must have namespace(?) with definitions Wavelength coverage - mm-wave added, submm may be needed? Suggestion - submm instead of mm? e.g. 10 micron to 1 mm ???? Can't be perfect, can overlap as necessarily UCDs - will there be a problem with getting them two ways? But they aren't compulsory. Having UCDs in registry if required allows quicker searches in some cases. More important, it is allows it to be in model. Data Quality - agree outline of section, discuss details in light of practice (e.g. distinguish quality of data v. metadata). Data provider assigns A B or C **DECISION: Support recommendation to adopt IVOA RM v0.82 --------------------------------------------------------------- C VOResource Ray Plante v0.8.4 Covers most concepts in RM Working Doc Extensions will add additional metdata for particular classes of resources as required. NB See XML Schema style guide provided by Ray Plante 1 Metadata Minimum required metadata just 7-8 elements * Identity Service metadata - how to invoke/access, virtual address * Community * Data service - collection - sky service - tabular sky service etc. 2 *Issues* Use of STC metadata schema (Rots) ultimate goal - Use temporary simple version for now Using/reusing VOTable elements? for table columns, service parameters >From discussion: Duplication of services - how resolve Coverage etc. - may need to introduce upper and lower limits? Input registration of services, data collections etc. - need documentation and templates - for VO testers, basic xml templates probably most useful - easy web interface for wider input 3 What can we register? 4 Standardisation - of each schema - as a data model - don't need PR version to use a schema (what does PR mean??) *must stabilise schemas* --------------------------------------------------------------- D WEB SERVICES Elizabeth Auden 1 How do services talk to each other? Language not important as long as accessible to web services. Queries Simple query Complex Query Cone search SIA +? Admin Query language - XQuery? Others also. - VOQL etc Returns AstroGrid uss XML just not Next VOTable (already in some use) Whose problem is taking to back end e.g. data providers' BDs? Not IVOA? Not everyone needs to use same language behind the scenes 2 Discussion 2a Does cone search need to be in Registry? Yes - can't assume it is always built in, need to register where to find specialised search/extraction services - many services are not built in to VOs e.g. extraacting spectra from x-ray data... 2b See Elizabeth's notes What do registry interfaces need to be able to do? i) Check authenticity ID with global registries ii) Register authority ID with global registry iii) Query the registry and get answer (xml-based in VOResource schema format) iv) Harvest the registry through an interface (incorporates replication?) - web service or httpGET? OAI (uses httpGET? - need one method for Jan 2004! ** OAI ** v) Define each registry interface web service method in WDSL vi) Documentation for data entry tools vii) Administer registry through add, delete, edit **RECOMMENDATION: NVO, AstroGrid etc. registries share via OAI for Jan 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------- E REGISTRY HARVESTING Keith Noddle 1. A registry is itself a resource holding metadata about itself. - What level - global, local etc? - is registry open to query? Definitions: _Harvest_ gather metadata _Replicate_ data Basic security checks - need to follow path. Do not want to have to choose which registry to search - need automatic referal from local to full registry when required - choice made automatically 2. Demo a) Use HTTPGet (OAI) b) Specify 'since' date ie all changes since.... ??? 3. Future consideration: - replication and harvesting - HTTPGet v. Web services or both - resource attributes - suppress updates if local resource doesn't want DoNotReplicate - delete DeleteResource - how propagate? - etc. ...Deprecated? Use of wrappers 4. Summary AAS Demo Jan2004 **DECISION Get on with it! --------------------------------------------------------------- F DEMO ACTION Tony Linde 1. Standards Identifier, RM, Schema doc's to be adopted as above 2. Future Web service call interface Standard query language - SQL and XQuery needed Harvesting/replication 2. Demos a) Schema Will be based on Schema 0.9 ready ?20 Oct b) Harvesting Use OAI to return all resources since (date) as XML c) Goals Not - passing between registry projects But - registries must replicate ID and authority Maybe - external services e.g. cone search, data query, ACE Are present schemas adequate for calling such services _in an automated fashion_ Need one standard way of getting metadata from a service. *Add to schema* how you get the full metadata for a resource (ie not just what is in registry) Need to investigate further. d) Organisation of demos i) Who will publish registries AstroGrid AVO NVO GAVO CDS? + ? - _Notify via mailing list_ ii) What sort? </pre>
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