IVOA Interoperability meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

IVOA Madrid meeting 2005

DAL Session Friday 7 October, 9:30-13:00 [DRAFT SCHEDULE]

  1. WG Status
  2. Simple Spectral Access Protocol (SSAP)
    • Query interface (D. Tody)
    • Characterization issues (F. Bonnarel)
    • Data model (J. McDowell)
  3. Spectral Line Access Protocol (SLAP)
    • Status, query interface (J. Salgado)
    • BREAK 11:00
  4. Simple Image Access Protocol (SIAP)
    • Some issues for SIA V1.1 (F. Bonnarel)
  5. Implementations
    • Demos (F. Pierfederici)
      • WCS-augmented graphics display
      • Image footprint description and plotting
    • VO/DAL-Client, reference implementations, verification (D. Tody)
  6. WG Summary

Documents and Presentations

SSA Documents:

PresenterSorted ascending Subject Slide
DougTody SSA Query interface ...
DougTody SIA V1.1 ...
DougTody DAL client ...
FrancescoPierfederici WCS for graphics + instr. footprint demo ...
FrancoisBonnarel SSA/Characterization DM issues .ppt
FrancoisBonnarel SIA issues .ppt
JesusSalgado Spectral Line Access Protocol .ppt
JonathanMcDowell Data Model .ppt
MarkusDolensky session minutes .txt

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf JSalgado_SLAP.pdf r1 manage 222.0 K 2005-10-07 - 14:56 JesusSalgado SLAP (Simple Line Access Protocol) Salgado et al
PowerPointppt SLAP.ppt r1 manage 297.0 K 2005-10-07 - 15:35 JesusSalgado SLAP (Simple Line Access Protocol) Salgado et al
PowerPointppt bonnarel_SIA.ppt r1 manage 1691.0 K 2005-10-07 - 11:25 MarkusDolensky SIA issues by Francois B. et al.
PowerPointppt bonnarel_SSA.ppt r1 manage 153.0 K 2005-10-07 - 11:26 MarkusDolensky SSA / Characterization DM issues by Francois B.
Texttxt dal_20051007.txt r1 manage 2.6 K 2005-10-07 - 11:17 MarkusDolensky minutes by Markus
PowerPointppt madrid_sed.ppt r1 manage 278.0 K 2005-10-07 - 12:22 JonathanMcDowell  
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Topic revision: r10 - 2005-10-07 - JesusSalgado
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