IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

Grid & Web Services Session


  • Summary of reference implementations
  • VOStore progress
  • VOStore issues and plans
    • How to reconcile VOStore and VOSpace?
    • Does the DIME attachment method really work?
    • Your issue here (please edit this page or email)
  • VO basic profile (AndreSchaaff, slides)
  • Security progress
    • NVO progress (M. Graham: presentation)
    • EuroVO progress
    • Your achievements here (edit this page or email)
  • Security issues
    • Updated thoughts on certificate authorities
    • How to encode group attributes?
    • Details of delegation interface.
    • What community services do we need?
  • Universal Worker Service: needed by other groups?
    • Theory group
    • NVO/opticon s/w environment

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
Texttxt ws1_20050610.txt r1 manage 2.1 K 2005-10-06 - 12:22 MarkusDolensky session minutes by Markus Dolensky
PDFpdf BasicProfile_Escorial.pdf r1 manage 113.0 K 2005-10-06 - 11:12 AndreSchaaff  
PowerPointppt guiliano.ppt r1 manage 312.0 K 2005-10-06 - 12:16 MarkusDolensky bridging VO and GRID by Guiliano Taffoni
PowerPointppt matthew_NVO_Team_Meeting_Spring_2005.ppt r1 manage 603.0 K 2005-10-06 - 10:16 MarkusDolensky NVO progress by Matthew Graham
PNGpng pahVostoreNGASposter.png r1 manage 2351.5 K 2005-10-06 - 09:36 MarkusDolensky VOStore for NGAS by Paul Harrison
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Topic revision: r7 - 2005-10-06 - MarkusDolensky
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