Grid and Web Services Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Remarks :

  • We have just one session, if some presentations need a debate it should be pushed to the Hack-a-thon and splinter meetings sessions

Grid and Web Services : Workflows, cloud and grid computing -- Wednesday October 24 2012, 16.30-18.00, Main room
Speaker Title Time (+ a few minutes for questions) Materials
Ray Plante Emerging authentication and authorization technologies 15 PDF
Pierre Le Sidaner WADL, the job description language to make universal client and usage of UWS easy 15 ...
Jose Enrique Ruiz Curation and characterization of web services 15 ...
Julian Garrido-Sanchez PDL services integration in Taverna 15 ...
Riccardo Smareglia (on behalf of Claudio Vuerli) Coordination of the Astro Community in OGF (Astro-CG) and EGI and the liaison with IVOA 15 ...
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PDFpdf EmergingAandATech.pdf r1 manage 161.0 K 2012-10-23 - 13:42 RayPlante Ray's presentation
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