Registry Session at Fall 2014 Interop, Banff

Saturday, Oct 11, 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Materials
Guillaume Mella The AppLauncher use case for registering Applications (~5 mins) pdf
Baptiste Cecconi Observatories and Instruments in the Registry (~15 mins)  
Markus Demleitner Update on registering data collections (~15 mins)  
Menelaos Perdikeas Curation operations at ESAC (TBC; ~15 mins)  
Pierre Le Sidaner Jonathan Normand Registering MOC ( ~5 mins)  
Everyone Discussion on current Registry topics (RegTAP progress, special identifiers, RI2 progress, VOEventRegExt...; whatever time remains)  

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted descending Comment
PDFpdf _ObsListReg-BCecconi.pdf r1 manage 4.0 K 2014-10-11 - 20:04 PierreLeSidaner instrument in the registry
PDFpdf lesidaner_moc.pdf r1 manage 139.4 K 2014-10-11 - 20:03 PierreLeSidaner moc in the registry
PDFpdf JMMC-PRE-2220-0004.pdf r2 r1 manage 497.6 K 2014-10-11 - 01:10 GuillaumeMella  
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Topic revision: r7 - 2014-10-11 - PierreLeSidaner
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