Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
HTMLhtm SSO-introduction.htm r1 manage 23.3 K 2004-09-24 - 12:31 GuyRixon Context of single-sign-on proposal
HTMLhtml SSO-msg-protocol.html r1 manage 13.9 K 2004-09-24 - 12:31 GuyRixon  
PDFpdf VO-WS-Basic-Profile-0.1.pdf r1 manage 192.1 K 2004-09-24 - 12:27 GuyRixon WS-I profile conformance
Microsoft Word filedoc VOSupportInterfaces-0.21.doc r1 manage 80.0 K 2004-09-24 - 12:29 GuyRixon  
PDFpdf VOWSBasicProfile_Pune.pdf r1 manage 963.3 K 2004-09-29 - 06:01 AndreSchaaff VO WS Basic Profile
PDFpdf vostore0.13.pdf r1 manage 132.4 K 2004-09-24 - 12:28 GuyRixon VOSpace/VOStore proposal
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Topic revision: r7 - 2004-09-29 - WilliamOMullane
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