TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaEvents>InterOpSep2007>InterOpSep2007DataModel (revision 10) (raw view)EditAttach
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PDFpdf DMplenary.pdf r1 manage 25.5 K 2007-09-27 - 09:13 MireilleLouys DM activities summary
PowerPointppt ObservationUseCase.ppt r1 manage 313.0 K 2007-09-27 - 14:47 FrancoisBonnarel  
PDFpdf isochardm.pdf r2 r1 manage 2143.5 K 2007-09-27 - 14:04 AlbertoMicol publishing ISO data via chardm (PDF format)
PowerPointppt isochardm.ppt r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 1798.5 K 2007-09-27 - 14:03 AlbertoMicol publishing ISO data via CharDM using ADQL & UFIs
PDFpdf jcm_phot.pdf r1 manage 170.8 K 2007-09-27 - 14:42 MireilleLouys Photometry McDowell
PDFpdf jcm_specnew.pdf r1 manage 161.9 K 2007-09-27 - 14:43 MireilleLouys News about Spectrum DM Jcm
PDFpdf jcm_utypes2.pdf r1 manage 354.4 K 2007-09-27 - 14:44 MireilleLouys Utypes suggestions Jcm
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Topic revision: r10 - 2007-09-27 - FrancoisBonnarel
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