(revision 7) (raw view)
<H1>IVOA Inter-Operability Meeting Programme Organising Committee</H1> THe POC members are nominated by the IVOA Exec with an additional member representative of the Local Organising Committee for each specific <nop>InterOp meeting. --- %TOC% --- ---++ Members * [[SeverinGaudet][Séverin Gaudet]] * [[NicholasWalton][Nicholas Walton]] * A representative of the LOC: [[RayPlante][Ray Plante]] (May 2012 <nop>InterOp) --- ---++ POC Notes --- ---++ LOC Notes ---+++Initial Phase (to be done at least 6 months prior to the meeting) * Choose venue and dates (the <nop>InterOp runs from Sunday to Friday) * Create locally-hosted home page and information pages for the <nop>InterOp (see below). The <nop>InterOp program itself will be a page on the IVOA twiki. * Create a logo and request the IVOA document coordinator to post it on the IVOA home page with a link to the locally-hosted home page. The home page need not be complete as one will probably be adding information up to the day of the meeting. * Chose the contact person for the LOC that will be part of the Program Organising Committee. ---+++ Local <nop>InterOp web pages * An outline of the LOC information (the program itself will be created on the IVOA Twiki). Examples from previous meetings can be found by following the links to those meetings on the IVOA home page. * Links to consider: * Registration * Participants * Schedule * Venue * Travel * Transport * Visa Information * Accommodation * Around <name of city> * Contact * Add local details (Visa requirements and procedure, hotel choice, airport transfers, venue, etc.) as the information becomes available ---+++ <nop>InterOp Meeting ---++++ Typical Weekly Schedule |||| | Sunday | 09:0016:30 | TCG meeting | | ^ | 17:0019:00 | Exec meeting | | Monday | 09:0017:30 | | | Tuesday | 09:0017:30 | | | Wednesday | 09:0017:30 | | | Thursday | 09:0017:30 | | | Friday | 09:0012:00 | | |||| ---++++ Typical Daily Schedule ||| | 09:0010:30 | Session | | 10:3011:00 | Break | | 11:0012:30 | Session | | 12:3014:00 | Lunch | | 14:0015:30 | Session | | 15:3016:00 | Break | | 16:0017:30 | Session | ||| ---++++ Plenary Room * Capacity: 100-120 people * Required for Opening Plenary on Monday morning, Closing Plenary on Friday morning and for one or two sessions during the week. * Equipment: projector, pointer, podium, water for those presenting, optionally sound amplification if necessary. * Electrical outlets: As many as possible distributed in a manner to be reachable from any/most seats in the room ----++++ Rooms for Parallel WG/IG Sessions * Capacity: 40-60 people * Required for Parallel Sessions for most Monday afternoon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. * Equipment: projector, pointer, podium, water for those presenting, optionally sound amplification if necessary. * Electrical outlets: As many as possible distributed in a manner to be reachable from any/most seats in the room ---++++ Breakout Rooms * Required for Wednesday and Thursday afternoon splinter meetings. * Ideally, 4 rooms to accommodate groups of 10 to 15 people. * The Parallel Session Rooms could be used for two of these rooms if convenient. ---++++ Network * Capacity: Should anticipate 1.5 simultaneous wireless connections per participant. * Bandwidth: Bandwidth should be sufficient to support 100 participants who are voracious users of the network (In Nara, we had a 100 Mbps line). * Coverage: The wireless network should be available in all meeting rooms. ---++++ Breaks * Breaks are typically 30 minutes long. * Coffee, tea and a small snack are typically provided compliments of the LOC. * 2 breaks per day Sunday-Thursday; no break on Friday. ---++++ Lunch * Lunch breaks are typically 90 minutes. * A map with a list of restaurants within walking distance of the meeting venue along with a brief description and cost would be useful. ---++++ Banquet * The banquet is usually held on the Thursday evening (sometimes on the Wednesday). * The choice of venue is up to the Local Organising Committee. * If the venue is far from the meeting venue or from the hotel, transportation needs to be arranged. * A banquet fee can be collected from the participants at time of registration. ---++++ TCG Meeting (Sunday) * Capacity: A maximum of 20 people * Lunch: The lunch can be complimentary of the LOC or at the TCG members expense. In the past there have been two ways to arrange this: * A catered lunch in the meeting venue arranged by the LOC; or, * A nearby restaurant proposed by the LOC. * Equipment: projector, pointer, podium/table, water for those presenting. * Electrical outlets: As many as possible distributed in a manner to be reachable from any/most seats in the room * Network: Wireless with sufficient bandwidth ---++++ Joint Exec/TCG Meeting (Sunday late afternoon) * Capacity: A maximum of 40 people * Dinner: Typically a venue proposed by the LOC. The dinner is at the participants expense. * Equipment: projector, pointer, podium/table, water for those presenting. * Electrical outlets: As many as possible distributed in a manner to be reachable from any/most seats in the room * Network: Wireless with sufficient bandwidth ---++++ Exec Meeting (Wednesday lunch) * Capacity: A maximum of 20 people * Lunch: Catered lunch in the meeting room arranged by the LOC. The lunch can be complimentary of the LOC or at the Exec members expense. If the latter, the lunch fee could be collected at registration. * Equipment: projector, pointer, podium/table, water for those presenting. * Electrical outlets: As many as possible distributed in a manner to be reachable from any/most seats in the room * Network: Wireless with sufficient bandwidth <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r7 - 2012-06-26
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