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---+ IVOA TCG Telecon - Tue, 16 Apr 2019 @15:00 UTC <span style="font-size: 18.850000381469727px; background-color: #f6f6f6;"><a name="last_edit_Feb06_JE"></span><span style="font-size: 18.850000381469727px; background-color: #f6f6f6;"></a></span><span style="color: #630000; font-size: 18.850000381469727px; background-color: #f6f6f6;">last edit - Apr21 - JE</span> * Mar 29 - Seeded mtg page - JE * Apr 03 & 12 - Updated agenda, added to regrets - JE * Apr 21 - Updated with meeting notes/action updates - JE ---++ <a name="Attendees"></a>Attendees * Babtiste C, Bruno M, Laurent M, Markus D, Mireille L, Tom D, James D, Marck CD, Tim J, Raffaele D, Pat D, Brian M, Marco M, Theresa D, Dave M, Janet E <span style="font-size: 18.850000381469727px; background-color: #f6f6f6;"><a name="Mtg Notes"></span><span style="font-size: 18.850000381469727px; background-color: #f6f6f6;"></a></span><span style="color: #630000; font-size: 18.850000381469727px; background-color: #f6f6f6;">Agenda (mtg notes annotated with *** below)</span> <div title="Page 4"> * Regrets for not attending: Christophe, Ada, Kai, Mark, Carlos * Review Actions (List below) - *** Added new actions/updated old actions * Document review * References<span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">On Going Recommendation review</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;"></span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Include review Provenance model difficulties (L Michel)</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">***Discussed current challenges making progress with Provenance; Action below to review at TCG F2F mtg</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Errata :</span> * <span style="color: blue; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: underline;">[[IvoaTCG#Current_Errata][]]</span> * ***Obscore - Erratum 2 - PASS * ***STC 1.33 Erratum 1 & 2 - PASS * ***Will review following at TCG F2F: * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Obscore Erratum 1</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">SODA-1.0</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">VOResource-1.1</span> * RegTAP<span style="background-color: transparent;">-1.0</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Notes:</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Registry - </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">Discovering Data Collections (Markus)<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span></span><span style="color: blue; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: underline;"></span> * <strong>***</strong> Will review and decide at TCG F2F mtg * <span style="background-color: transparent;">IVOA Architecture Document</span> * *** Pat initiated - will send email with instructtions to group * <span style="background-color: transparent;">WG/IG Status/Issues</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">*** Skipped due to time constraints</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">May Interop Planning</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">WG/IG calls for sessions: </span><span style="color: blue; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: underline;">[[ProgramPrepParis][]]</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Hackathon - will settle on group today (Apr16), CSP </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">Focus Session - Big Data Challenges in Astronomy</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">*** Discussion: Goal to make first round of schedule updates this week - JE</span> * AOB </div> ---++ <a name="Roadmap"></a>Roadmap * [[2018BRoadmap][2018B Roadmap]] - Reference leading to Paris Meeting ---++ <a name="Document_Submission_Logs_since_l"></a>Document Submission Logs (since last Interop) <table cellspacing="0" id="table1" cellpadding="1" rules="all" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <th valign="top"><a rel="nofollow" href="IvoaTCG-2019-02-05?sortcol=0;table=1;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><span style="color: #ffffff;">date</span></a></th><th valign="top"><a rel="nofollow" href="IvoaTCG-2019-02-05?sortcol=1;table=1;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><span style="color: #ffffff;">document id</span></a></th><th valign="top"><a rel="nofollow" href="IvoaTCG-2019-02-05?sortcol=2;table=1;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><span style="color: #ffffff;">version</span></a></th><th valign="top"><a rel="nofollow" href="IvoaTCG-2019-02-05?sortcol=3;table=1;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><span style="color: #ffffff;">initiator</span></a></th><th valign="top"><a rel="nofollow" href="IvoaTCG-2019-02-05?sortcol=4;table=1;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><span style="color: #ffffff;">i/w group</span></a></th><th valign="top"><a rel="nofollow" href="IvoaTCG-2019-02-05?sortcol=5;table=1;up=0#sorted_table" title="Sort by this column"><span style="color: #ffffff;">action</span></a></th> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"><span style="color: #000066;">20181212 </span></td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"><span style="color: #000066;"> | <a target="_top" href="">NOTE-timesysnote-1.1-20181212</a> | </span></td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"><span style="color: #000066;">1.1 </span></td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"><span style="color: #000066;">Markus Demleitner </span></td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"><span style="color: #000066;">Note </span></td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"><span style="color: #000066;">published </span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ---++ New Actions: * ACTION-F0419-1: MM - Access technical setup of UCD maintenance doc * ACTOIN-F0419-2: JE - Add Review of Provenance at TCG Interop face to face meeting * ACTION-F0419-3 ML - Send TCG page or links to Provenanance Goals and Use Cases for F2F prep * ACTION-F0419-4 JE - Add Data Collections Note to TCG agenda for Paris F2F, 10 minutes ---++ Previous Actions: <div title="Page 4"> * *OPEN/WORKING* * ACTION-F0518-3: FG - Ensure that the important IVOA standards are in the RDA registry of standards (Note added 11/18 - DCP?/Registry?). *OPEN* * ACTION-F0518-4: MCD - Produce documentation on how the models relate and how to get started with certain use cases.<strong> WORKING</strong> * ACTION-F0518-8: DM/PD - Prototype hosting a document standard and issue tracking in <a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="GitHub (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">GitHub</a>. *WORKING* * <a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="ActionT0219 (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">ActionT0219</a>-5: PD/JE - kick off the Architecture doc effort effort and distribute tasks to team - *WORKING* * ActionT2019-6: PD/JE: Ask DOC to transfer links to new Publishing on the VO doc when time is right *- OPEN* * <strong><br /></strong> * *DONE* * ActionT0219-1: JE/PD action to review and suggest updates to TCG charter, then follow through. *DONE* * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Reviewed charter; noted several aspects of process called out; will work toward them and suggest updates if needed</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Plan to map tasks from Roadmap in each WG/IG to major goals of each group. Tie to CSP goals. Are more CSP goals needed or help with current goals??</span> * <a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="ActionT0219 (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"><span style="background-color: transparent;">ActionT0219</span></a><span style="background-color: transparent;">-2: PD - send email to review and consider </span><a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="ObsCore (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"><span style="background-color: transparent;">ObsCore</span></a><span style="background-color: transparent;">/STC errata at next telecon - *DONE* </span> * <a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="ActionT0219 (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"><span style="background-color: transparent;">ActionT0219</span></a><span style="background-color: transparent;">-3: MM - Ask Giulia to remove VOEvent/VODML from active column -<strong> DONE</strong></span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">ActionT0219-4: TD - Identify people to make VOEvent changes and rewrite </span><a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="VoEventRegExt (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"><span style="background-color: transparent;">VoEventRegExt</span></a><span style="background-color: transparent;">, *- DONE* </span> ---++ <span style="font-weight: normal;">Status:</span> </div> ---+++ <a name="WG_Apps_TD_RD"></a>WG/Apps (TD/RD) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN1"></a>Status: ---+++ <a name="WG_DAL_MM_JD"></a>WG/DAL (MM/JD) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN2"></a>Status: ---+++++ <a name="Issues"></a>Issues: <span style="background-color: transparent;">(from Feb telecon - needs update)</span> * Service Weather report on DAL protocol "SHOULD"s: collected data providers view, need to report (here, e.g.) * From discussion with data providers (just after the College Park interop) the view that turned out is that there's not really the need to act upon the SHOULD-s validation warnings. This is because those SHOULDs can be related to information good to have but maybe not available (especially for old datasets), or because it brings in a feature that is not felt important to the provider. In the end the feeling is that working on those warnings as something to clean from the operational point of view could not be the right approach and modifying existing standards o demote shoulds looks not a good idea. This does not mean validation is not useful, but feature-usage driven checks can show a different picture. The Service Weather report outcome looks like a place to start a DAL/Ops discussion for a report that looks more like a Registry/Ops driven one. * polygon CCW: modelling seems solved (errata in other WGs), data providers side, how to proceed? * initial DAL email didn'twork, turned out in a region discussion turmoil ---+++ <a name="WG_DM_MCD_LM"></a>WG/DM (MCD/LM) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN3"></a>Status: * Errata: * <a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="ObsCore (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">ObsCore</a>-1.1 and [[STC]]-1.33 pages created and discussed.. ready for TCG vote. * Coords: * Updated document with variuos feedback items; delivered to WG and doc repository (Mar 21) * Vocabularies installed to semantics workspace.. Semantics group working discussion/review of content with TDIG/SSIG * Example serializations being updated/expanded to newest content. * Transform: * Extensive review/iteration with author list to cover all the requirements. * Folded in the enhanced requirements descriptions noted for Coords model. * 'Final' version delivered to author list (Apr); expect this to go to WG and repository in the next couple weeks. * Meas: * Updated model content to current Coords model state * Simplified the levels of abstraction to reduce #boxes * Working document: have general structure, need to add descriptive content to model and process (~1wk job) (by end April). * Prov: * The situation does not allow to define a clear timeline * A compromise model has been proposed by the chair(s) in order to reach a consensus among the authors * A PR#2 document based on that compromise is still discussed. * Our goal remain to open the REC page as soon as possible. * SSDL-2.0 * WG response to Feb. drop has been quiet. * working vo-dml processing/validation using current scripts * ready for PR/RFC? * Time Domain * promised new Mapping serializations of all their example files; STILL NOT DONE (resource issue) ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ <a name="WG_GWS_BM_GT"></a>WG/GWS (BM/GT) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN4"></a>Status: ---+++++ <a name="Issues_AN1"></a>Issues: <span style="background-color: transparent;">(from Feb telecon - needs update)</span> * XML Schema Versioning - issues to be addressed ---+++ <a name="WG_Registry_ThD_PLS"></a>WG/Registry (<a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="ThD (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">ThD</a>/PLS) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN5"></a>Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ <a name="WG_Semantics_ML_MD"></a>WG/Semantics (ML/MD) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN6"></a>Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ <a name="IG_Data_Curation_Preservation_AS"></a>IG/Data Curation & Preservation (AS/TJ) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN7"></a>Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ <a name="IG_Education_CC_HH"></a>IG/Education (CC/HH) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN8"></a>Status: An EduIG session is under preparation and a plenary talk is confirmed ---+++++ Issues: More people are encouraged to attend to the Interop. ---+++ <a name="IG_KDD_KP_MG"></a>IG/KDD (KP/MG) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN9"></a>Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ <a name="IG_Ops_TM_MT"></a>IG/Ops (TM/MT) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN10"></a>Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ <a name="IG_Solar_System_BC_SJ"></a>IG/Solar System (BC/SJ) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN11"></a>Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ <a name="IG_Theory_CR"></a>IG/Theory (CR) ---+++++ <a name="Status_not_attending"></a>Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ <a name="IG_TDIG_AN_DM"></a>IG/TDIG (AN/DM) ---+++++ <a name="Status_AN12"></a>Status: ---+++++ <a name="Issues_AN2"></a>Issues: (from Feb telecon - needs update) Roadmap: * TIMESYS: * Integrated in VOTable1.4 * GAVO and VizieR have been collecting metadata for time, and would be ready to use TIMESYS if a Rec. * How to make use of TIMESYS? bring to common frame? Need to developed code to do so. * Time-MOC: * Several hundred T-MOCs already produced by VizieR and user is able to generate them in the beta version of Aladin. * Need to connect to space for fully exploitation. Space-Time-MOC under development and will most likely be shown in Paris. * Generate and add to Mocserver * VOEvents: * Baptiste Cecconi has transformed the doc into an exact tex document, and is part of the editors: * Feedback gathered from specific communities (FRBs, SSO, multi-messenger follow-up) points to the need of further evolution of VOEvents. * How do we discover VOEvents? science driven and/or wavelength driven specification of VOEvents to be able to do TAP like queries? * TimeSeries Models: * Coords model / feedback given. * To be VODMLized: PhotDMv1-1, Characterisation. * TimeSeries Serialisation: * To solve some very common use cases (light-curves and such) we need a minimum of information on the filter system, the ucds are not enough.
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Topic revision: r12 - 2021-04-13
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