Joint RadioIG/TDIG Meeting Jan 11, 2022, 20 UTC

On pulsar data and other time oriented radio data in the VO

Organized by Brent Miszalski, Mark Cresitello-Dittmar, (TDIG)
Mark Lacy, François Bonnarel (RadioIG)
Ada Nebot (as CSP chair)

Meeting topic was "Discovery and access of radio pulsar data and FRB data use cases : How current protocols work. do we need evolution for Time axis and radio specificities ?"

Meeting agenda :
V.Galluzi : pulsar/transient data at INAF : use cases and status report
M.Louys : ObsCore Extension for TimeDomain. Focus on PSRFITS mapping
F.Bonnarel : Discovery and Access strategies for radio timeseries.
ALL : open questions. Formats/datamodels. Next steps

Notes(etherpad) Notes(saved)

Topic attachments
I Attachment HistorySorted ascending Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf INAF_radio_data_archive_ongoing_activities__future_plans_about_pulsar_FRB_data.pdf r1 manage 1632.9 K 2022-01-21 - 16:10 FrancoisBonnarel Pulsar Data at INAF
Texttxt NotesTDIG-RadioIG.txt r1 manage 7.6 K 2022-01-26 - 20:56 FrancoisBonnarel Meeting Notes
PDFpdf ObscoreExtensionforTimeandFreq-MLouys.pdf r1 manage 650.6 K 2022-01-26 - 16:32 MireilleLouys ObsCore Extension for Time Radio data
PDFpdf RadioTimeSeriesDiscoverAcc.pdf r1 manage 1558.3 K 2022-01-21 - 09:33 FrancoisBonnarel Radio data time series discovery and access
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Topic revision: r6 - 2022-01-26 - FrancoisBonnarel
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