TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaDataModel>Obscore-1_1-Next (revision 1)EditAttach
This page collects proposals for modifications to ObsCore 1.1, leading up to 1.2

Proposed new Features

None yet

Proposed modifications

Improve Sample Queries

The example queries in the appendix should not show people split-coordinate spatial constraints (s_dec<20 and friends) and rather use proper geometry constraints (circles or polygons). Coordinate queries are often not covered by indexes and are rarely a good idea physically.

Also, it would be good if we could include at least one or two examples which show how to just retrieve a subset of columns; "select *" may be appropriate for certain use cases, but just pulling the data one needs for a certain use case is better use of resources. This may in general not be dramatic in your average obscore query, but when people to statistics on millions of matches, it does matter.

-- MarkusDemleitner 2023-01-16

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Topic revision: r1 - 2023-01-16 - MarkusDemleitner
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