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PDFpdf SolarSystemUCD-V04.pdf r1 manage 537.1 K 2014-02-04 - 09:53 MireilleLouys Note document to start the elaboration of UCDs for Planetary data- B. Cecconi et al.
PDFpdf SolarSystemUCD-V05.pdf r1 manage 611.4 K 2014-06-03 - 09:56 MireilleLouys Solar metadata description : see last appendix for the list of suggested terms.B. cecconni
PDFpdf SolarSystemUCD-V06.pdf r1 manage 668.6 K 2014-07-09 - 12:20 MireilleLouys UCD Usage and Requirements for Planetary data / update B. Cecconi
PDFpdf WD-UCDlist-1.24-20140901.pdf r1 manage 761.9 K 2014-09-05 - 15:38 MireilleLouys update for New ucd list applicable to Planetary data
Microsoft Word filedoc WD-UCDlist-1.24-20150324.doc r1 manage 472.5 K 2015-03-25 - 10:04 MireilleLouys draft version for updated UCDs
PDFpdf WD-UCDlist-1.3-20140822.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 695.5 K 2014-08-22 - 12:04 MireilleLouys Update Of UCD list with Planetry metadata
PDFpdf WD-UCDlist-1.3-20140825.pdf r1 manage 729.9 K 2014-08-29 - 13:24 MireilleLouys Update Of UCD list with Planetry metadata- NEW
PDFpdf WD-UCDlist-1.3-20150608.pdf r1 manage 748.6 K 2015-06-08 - 12:45 MireilleLouys WD for updated UCDs terms / planetary and solar data
PDFpdf WD-UCDlist-1.3-20160718.pdf r1 manage 504.2 K 2016-07-19 - 17:45 MireilleLouys Update of UCD list
Texttxt ucd1p-words-updateApril10-14.txt r1 manage 34.3 K 2014-04-17 - 18:39 MireilleLouys updates for the UCD1 list - version2- April 10, 2014
Texttxt ucd1p-words-updateJuly07-14.txt r1 manage 34.7 K 2014-07-09 - 12:38 MireilleLouys TODOlist for UCD1+ update
Texttxt ucd1p-words-updatePropositionApril_04_14.txt r1 manage 32.6 K 2014-04-04 - 11:54 MireilleLouys UCD1+ list annotated with updates suggestions from the Solar System Draft
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Topic revision: r15 - 2020-10-12 - BaptisteCecconi
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