Plenary Sessions

Chair: Fabio Pasian

Plenary 1, Monday 25 May 2009

Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (including questions) per WG and IG

Speaker Title File Time
WG/IG presentations      
Tom McGlynn WG Applications   11.00-11.05
Mireille Louys WG DM pdf 11:05-11:10
Keith Noddle WG DAL pdf 11:10-11:15
Matthew Graham WG G&WS pdf 11:20-11:25
Pedro Osuna WG VOQL pdf 11:25-11:30
Ray Plante WG Registry pdf 11:30-11:35
Sebastien Derriere WG Semantics pdf 11:35-11:40
Francois Ochsenbein WG VOTable pdf 11:40-11:45
Herve Wozniak IG Theory pdf 11:50-11:55
Bob Hanisch IG Data CP   11:55-12:00
Francoise Genova IG Stds & Proc   12.00 -12.05

Plenary 2, Friday 29 May 2009

WG/IG session summaries

Speaker Title File Time
WG/IG presentations      
Tom McGlynn WG Applications pdf 09:00-09:10
Mireille Louys WG DM pdf 09:10-09:20
Keith Noddle WG DAL pdf 09:20-09:30
Matthew Graham WG G&WS pdf 09:30-09:40
Pedro Osuna WG VOQL pdf 09:40-09:50
Ray Plante WG Registry pdf 09:50-10:00
Sebastien Derriere WG Semantics pdf 10:00-10:10
Francois Ochsenbein WG VOTable pdf 10:10-10:20
Herve Wozniak IG Theory pdf 10:20-10:30

Fabio Pasian Closing Remarks PPT 10:30

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
PDFpdf DALSlidesSummary.pdf r1 manage 54.0 K 2009-05-29 - 07:04 JesusSalgado DAL Summary
PDFpdf AppRepStrasbourg2009.pdf r2 r1 manage 177.7 K 2009-05-29 - 06:21 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf Strasbourg-GWSClosingPlenary.pdf r1 manage 743.3 K 2009-05-29 - 06:59 MatthewGraham  
PDFpdf Strasbourg-GWSOpeningPlenary.pdf r1 manage 745.6 K 2009-05-25 - 08:18 MatthewGraham  
PDFpdf Strasbourg-VOEventOpeningPlenary.pdf r1 manage 740.9 K 2009-05-25 - 09:14 MatthewGraham  
PDFpdf Strasbourg09_DMSummaryForExec2.pdf r1 manage 156.6 K 2009-05-25 - 08:17 MireilleLouys  
PDFpdf Strasbourg2009_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.pdf r1 manage 208.1 K 2009-05-29 - 07:06 PedroOsuna  
PDFpdf VOTable-09May-Concl.pdf r1 manage 170.6 K 2009-05-29 - 06:23 FrancoisOchsenbein  
PDFpdf VOTable-Intro-09May.pdf r1 manage 59.7 K 2009-05-25 - 07:55 FrancoisOchsenbein  
PDFpdf Strasbourg09_DMSummaryForExec.pdf r1 manage 156.6 K 2009-05-25 - 07:42 MireilleLouys Plenary 1 DM summary
PDFpdf TIG_opening.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 28.2 K 2009-05-25 - 09:25 HerveWozniak TIG Opening
PDFpdf Strasbourg2009_VOQL_Opening_Plenary.pdf r1 manage 213.4 K 2009-05-25 - 09:23 PedroOsuna VOQL Opening Plenary
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