PROV DM- PR preparation -second iteration

Activity Description Package

In order to push forward the Activity Configuration discussion, I have attached a last version of the class diagram below.

Documentation of the class diagram:

  • Parameter
Using the Parameter class allows to list the values read by an activity to parametrize its execution.
Each Parameter instance is identified by its name and can be queried.

A Parameter is a specific class. In contrary to ValueEntity it does not hold all the relations an Entity may have :

• no wasAttributedTo --> Agent link
• no hadMember--> Activity link
• no Used --> Activity link
• no wasGeneratedBy --> Activity link
If a Parameter value is chosen with respect to a Result Entity R, computed on purpose to generate this configuration value, or just reused from a previous excecution, then the Parameter Instance may have a wasInfluencedBy relation to this Result Entity R. This Entity R is then described in the system with the usual Entity links wasGeneratedBy and the Activity generating this value may also be described. The WasInfluencedBy relation is part of the relations defined in the vo-dml list of relations (College Park version).

This allows Parameter instances to be totally focused on the Configuration part of the Provenance DM, but still be able to trace the origin of their value.

The description of this parameter is stored in the ParameterDescription instance, which is connected via a Parameter --> ParameterDescription link, a Subset of Entity --> EntityDescription link.
Identified and dedicated access to the configuration information allows to trace and interpret the quality of the activities/result entities more efficiently than sorting between Entity types and Used relations types.

It suits to the life cycle of a Parameter instance which is the same as its related Activity.

Would an Activity instance A be deleted from the database, all Parameters instances bound to it would also be deleted, while the Entities instances consumed by A still pervades into the database as it may be used by another task/activity.

  • ParameterDescription
To represent the semantics and encoding of the configuration values entered to run an activity distinguished from the datasets consumed and produced. A Parameter can be queried, on its value and on its description.

  • ConfigFile
The values used to control the activity are either contained into a Configuration file , which contains a key=value list .
This resource is stored as an Entity of type = Document.
The mechanism to search a value into this Document is managed by the project providing the Provenance information, usually using contextual text search.
This method needed to explore the ConfigFile content is outside the scope of this model.

  • Activity Configuration package and its relation to the IVOA Prov DM:

  • class diagrams with independent parameter class/ no more derivation: PR2-ActivityAndConfigurationDescriptionFeb22v2.png
  • class diagram with the description links from Execution part ( left classes ) to Description part (right part) PR2-LinkingExecutionClassestoDescriptionClassesFeb22v2.png
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
PNGpng PR2-LinkingExecutionclassestoDescription_classes.png r1 manage 86.2 K 2019-02-21 - 20:09 MireilleLouys Linking Execution side with Description side/ class diagram
PNGpng PR2-LinkingExecutionClassestoDescriptionClassesFeb22v2.png r1 manage 89.3 K 2019-02-22 - 18:17 MireilleLouys Linking Execution side with Description side/ class diagram
PNGpng Activity_and_Configuration_Description_for_PR2_2019_02_11.png r1 manage 101.6 K 2019-02-11 - 14:08 MireilleLouys Activity Configuration option one : Parameter inherits from ValueEntity
PNGpng ActivityAndConfigurationDescriptionForPR2_1502.png r1 manage 103.1 K 2019-02-18 - 17:36 MireilleLouys class diagram option 2: Independent parameter class/ no more derivation
PNGpng PR2-ActivityAndConfigurationDescriptionFeb22v2.png r1 manage 115.4 K 2019-02-22 - 18:28 MireilleLouys execution, description and configuration classes as independent packages
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 738.0 K 2019-02-22 - 18:09 MireilleLouys Modelio documentation of a normalised view on the model / all symetry applied /PR2 draft
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Topic revision: r7 - 2019-02-22 - MireilleLouys
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