ProvTAP is a TAP implementation of the IVOA Provenance data model.

At the time of writing it has been worked out under the responsability of the DM WG by the IVOA provenance data model author team.

Hence the ProvTAP internal draft, the ProvTAP TAP schema and a VOTable dump of a prototype service operated by CDS (ProvHiPS) has been stored on the DM WG pages (

ProvTAP Internal draft :

ProvTAP TAP schema :

ProvTAP VOTable dump example :

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2020-05-07: The text above has been written in October 2019. After the end of the ProvDM recommendation process a serious revision is going on among authors.

A Working draft will be soon published

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2020-05-27 : ProvTAP queries in the provHiPS prototype are provided here. They show how entities, agents and activities can be selected with the help of Appropriate ADQL queries

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PDFpdf ProvHiPSQueryExamples.pdf r1 manage 660.1 K 2020-05-27 - 16:27 FrancoisBonnarel ProvHiPS queries as ProvTAP query examples
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Topic revision: r5 - 2020-05-27 - FrancoisBonnarel
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