Radio Astronomy Interest Group ( Jointly organised with Data Model Working Group)
Eight Virtual Running Meeting 2024, July 2nd via zoom
15:30 to 16:30 UTC
Zoom coordinates:
Meeting ID: 815 3346 4364
Passcode: 354277
Telecon Agenda:
1) Representation of the
ObsCore extension:
The PR standardizes a new ivoa.obscore_radio table and mandates the presence of a obs_publisher_did column in order to be able to do a NATURAL JOIN. Note that Markus suggested to not specify an explicit column to join on...
The PR suggests the possibility to provide a view that does that performs this join but doesn't mandate it and doesn't provide a standardized name for it. Is this desirable? Should this be standardized? How would this work for combining multiple extensions (i.e. Radio + Time Domain).
2) Discovery of
ObsCore extensions
Converged on using a utype, but there are still multiple suggestions for the name (ivo:// vs. ivo:// ?
Should we introduce both table_utype and schema_utype for extensions?
3) t_exp_{min|max|mean}
These still need a science case in the Appendix. Can someone (Baptiste?) provide one? Naming is somewhat confusing (name is similar to t_exptime in
ObsCore, but describing a different concept)? Is the description correct now?
4) s_maximum_angular_scale_{min|max}
Like the FOV and resolution, the maximum spatial scale is actually frequency-dependent. Should we include min/max values in addition to a typical value?
5) f_{min|max}
These have been dropped in the PR. How to convert em_{max|min} into frequencies has been specified in the standard with a prescribed value for the speed of light. f_resolution has been retained to cater for observations with large fractional bandwidth and fixed spectral resolution across the band. Settled?
6) Next steps
Are we ready for RFC phase?
7) AOB