Topics to discuss:

* Implementation note for radio data in the VO - we would like to document the current efforts to implement radio data in the VO. If you have an implementation and can write a paragraph or two describing it we will assemble these into a document to post to the IVOA site.

* Planning a future workshop on VO implementation, targeted to software developers from radio astronomy archives.

* Common needs for the various types of radio data in the VO environment (visibility data, single dish spectroscopic & imaging data, pulsar data), for example, description of data provenance, typical use of frequency vs wavelength etc.
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PDFpdf RadioIG-escape_report.pdf r1 manage 571.9 K 2020-10-02 - 13:28 FrancoisBonnarel EScape radio astronomy recent activities
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Topic revision: r1 - 2020-10-02 - FrancoisBonnarel
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