Participant List

IVOA Interop May 2018 Participants

  • An updated list of attendees can be found below:

  • UPDATED: 2018.05.02
  • Click on column heading to sort

First Name LastName Organization
Michael Peddle CADC
Andre Schaaff CDS
Markus Demleitner GAVO/U Heidelberg
Herve Wozniak LUPM/Université de Montpellier
Marco Molinaro INAF - OATs
Taffoni Giuliano INAF OATs
Bruce Berriman Caltech/IPAC
Ada Nebot Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, CDS
Baptiste Cecconi Observatoire de Paris
pierre le sidaner Observatoire de Paris - PADC
Mark Allen CDS
Séverin Gaudet CADC
David Schade Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Brian Major CADC
James Dempsey CSIRO
bradford greer csiro
Emmanuel Joliet Caltech/IPAC
Olga Pevunova NED/IPAC/Caltech
Steven Groom IPAC/Caltech
Dave Morris Edinburgh University
Michel Gangloff IRAP
Fabio Pasian INAF - OATs
Bruno Merin ESA
Stelios Voutsinas University of Edinburgh
Alberto Accomazzi Center for Astrophysics Harvard & Smithsonian
Janet Evans Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Eric Bellm University of Washington / LSST
GIULIA IAFRATE INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Trieste
Nicolas Moreau Paris Observatory, LERMA
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - IN2P3 - CNRS
Mireille LOUYS CDS/ ICUBE University of Strasbourg
Daniel Durand National research council canada
Patrick Dowler Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Serge Monkewitz IPAC/Caltech
Andy Lawrence University of Edinburgh
Kostandin Vrioni ESA/Neuropublic
David Aikema University of Cape Town
Stéphane Erard LESIA / Observatoire de Paris
Thomas Boch CDS - Observatoire de Strasbourg
Sébastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Renaud Savalle Paris Observatory
Shanshan Li National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Thomas McGlynn HEASARC
Yuji Shirasaki NAOJ
Tim Jenness LSST / AURA
Kenny Lo SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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Topic revision: r20 - 2018-05-02 - MichaelPeddle
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