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Registry Working Group

Kickoff Meeting: London: 19-20 March, 2003



Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info



see below
Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted ascending History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v manage 67.5 K 2003-03-19 - 11:35 TonyLinde Alberto's slides
PowerPointppt coverage.ppt r2 r1 manage 49.5 K 2003-03-19 - 16:13 ClivePage Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT.
PowerPointppt IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v manage 103.5 K 2003-03-24 - 23:36 AlbertoMicol Alberto's slides (more compatible?)
PowerPointppt IVOA_Registry.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v manage 283.5 K 2003-03-19 - 10:20 ElizabethAuden Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides
PowerPointppt ivoa-ap.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v manage 189.5 K 2003-03-19 - 11:06 TonyLinde Andy Powell's slides
PowerPointppt IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v manage 286.5 K 2003-03-19 - 12:04 MarcoLeoni Marco Leoni's slides
PDFpdf jini_firewall.pdf r1 manage 151.8 K 2003-03-27 - 14:16 MarcoLeoni
PowerPointppt JINIDemo.ppt r1 manage 2495.0 K 2003-03-19 - 21:45 WilliamOMullane Poster about JINI work at <nop>STScI
PDFpdf ochsenbein-2000.pdf r1 manage 210.0 K 2003-03-27 - 09:55 SebastienDerriere See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in <nop>VizieR
PowerPointppt RegistryMetadata.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v manage 35.5 K 2003-03-19 - 18:10 AnitaRichards Anita Richards' slides .ppt
Unknown file formatsxi RegistryMetadata.sxi r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v manage 11.7 K 2003-03-19 - 18:11 AnitaRichards Anita Richards' slides .sxi
PowerPointppt RegMeeting_1903.ppt r1 manage 307.0 K 2003-03-19 - 11:11 TonyLinde Andre's slides
PDFpdf ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf r1 manage 212.0 K 2003-03-19 - 18:25 BobHanisch V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc
PowerPointppt TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt r3 r2 r1 manage 247.5 K 2003-03-20 - 12:12 TonyLinde Tony's slides for Day 2: updated as we went along
PowerPointppt TL-IVOARegistry.ppt r1 manage 260.5 K 2003-03-19 - 16:31 TonyLinde Tony Linde's slides
Unknown file formatxsd VOResource.xsd r1 manage 16.5 K 2003-03-19 - 18:38 RayPlante An XML Schema for the RS metadata
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Topic revision: r31 - 2003-03-27 - MarcoLeoni
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