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Registry Interface

Registry Interface Specification

This page is dedicated to defining a standard query and harvesting interface.
This will allow the communication between registries to be a standard, and allow external implementations that need access to a registry a standard for querying the Registry. Understand this document is still evolving.

Internal Working Draft: Registry Interface (.pdf, .doc)

WSDL & Schema: .zip - this download has all the Schemas and WSDLs necessary to generate stubbs locally if desired.

Specification Discussions

The RegistryInterfacePre10Discussion page presents several topics that we could use feedback on, including ...

  1. Would it be useful for the harvesting interface to have a switch that allows harvesters to choose whether to get all records versus only thoses that originate from the harvestee?
  2. Should make the harvest() function independent of the searchable interface?
  3. Should we drop getRegistries() or redefine it?
  4. Should we add a harvestFrom attribute to the VOResource schema?
  5. How should we handle namespace prefixes in ADQL queries?

Click on the topic question to see a more detailed description and discussion.

Prototyping Issues

We are gathering issues and comments regarding harvesting on the HarvestingIssues page. -- RayPlante - 11 Mar 2005

ADQL to SQL Parsing

An XSLT stylesheet for converting ADQL v1.0 to SQL can be downloaded here : adql2sql_v10_registry.xsl.
This file should work just fine for v0.9 and v0.8, just by changing the namespace declaration.
Note that the xPath expressions still need to be converted to your database column names. -- AurelienStebe - 23 Aug 2005

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc IVOARegistryInterface-v0.02.doc r1 manage 233.5 K 2005-03-09 - 09:10 MarcoLeoni Registry Interface Spec (.doc)
PDFpdf IVOARegistryInterface-v0.02.pdf r1 manage 92.6 K 2005-03-09 - 09:11 MarcoLeoni Registry Interface Spec (.pdf)
Microsoft Word filedoc IVOARegistryInterface-v0.03.doc r1 manage 189.5 K 2005-03-16 - 16:55 KevinBenson New Registry Interface 0.3
PDFpdf IVOARegistryInterface-v0.03.pdf r1 manage 95.2 K 2005-03-16 - 16:54 KevinBenson New Registry Interface 0.3
Microsoft Word filedoc IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1.doc r2 r1 manage 163.0 K 2004-06-24 - 12:46 KevinBenson Registry Interface Spec defining Query and Harvest
PDFpdf IVOARegistryInterface-v0.1.pdf r1 manage 252.5 K 2004-06-24 - 14:09 KevinBenson Registry Interface Spec defining Query and Harvest
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.1.doc r2 r1 manage 241.5 K 2005-12-07 - 15:16 KevinBenson New RI doc -- Very Minor changes.
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.1.pdf r2 r1 manage 93.2 K 2005-12-07 - 15:33 KevinBenson New RI doc -- Very Minor changes.
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistryInterface-v0.8.doc r1 manage 212.5 K 2005-07-25 - 15:05 KevinBenson Registry Interface 0.8
PDFpdf RegistryInterface-v0.8.pdf r1 manage 138.8 K 2005-07-25 - 15:15 KevinBenson PDF version of Registry Interface Spec for 0.8
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 55.3 K 2004-11-16 - 09:16 KevinBenson Corrected WSDL and Schemas
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 55.2 K 2004-11-22 - 19:37 KevinBenson Corrected wsdl and schema
Compressed Zip archivezip r2 r1 manage 185.4 K 2005-12-07 - 15:02 KevinBenson WSDLs-- corrected namespaces and adql1.0 not 0.9
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 102.6 K 2005-07-25 - 15:00 KevinBenson  
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 61.3 K 2005-03-16 - 16:49 KevinBenson New WSDL's correspond 0.3 doc, local schemas
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 56.0 K 2004-11-15 - 16:41 KevinBenson WSDL again corrected
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 56.4 K 2004-11-15 - 16:40 KevinBenson WSDL corrected w/ Response for OAI is OAI-PMH
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 55.3 K 2004-11-16 - 08:36 KevinBenson Corrected WSDL with Schemas
Compressed Zip archivezip r1 manage 31.3 K 2004-06-24 - 08:48 KevinBenson WSDL and imported schemas
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Topic revision: r23 - 2005-12-07 - KevinBenson
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