An ammended version PR-VOTable-1.2-20090929.pdf
was produced following your comments on this RFC page; a version of the document with visible differences is also available; the sections concerned are
This document will act as RFC centre for the VOTable-1.2-20090710 VOTable-1.2-20090929 Proposed Recommendation.
Review period: 2009 July 10 – 2009 August 21 2009 Sep. 9 (09/09/09)
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A related item which I've only noticed more recently, in the course of implementation is:
There are two other changes from VOTable 1.1 which I have queried in earlier drafts ( and which have not been addressed or discussed further:
Section 8 "Differences between 1.1 and 1.2" is useful but unfortunately incomplete. The changes since v1.1 of the VOTable Recommendation that I've spotted which are not documented here are (as elaborated on above):
At least the first three of these I'd like to see changed, as noted above. However, if they are not, they should be recorded in section 8, preferably with reasons. Otherwise, the only way that VOTable authors and implementors, and reviewers of the document, are likely to spot them is by very close reading of the schema text itself, which is hard work.
Regarding the new placement of INFO elements (post-operational diagnostics) - I don't have any objection to this in principle, but is there a good reason to allow INFOs at the end of all the elements DATA, TABLE, RESOURCE and VOTABLE? Since an INFO can appear after a DATA, it seems unnecessary complication to allow it as the last element of DATA as well. It turns out that implementing this presents some difficulties in STIL. If there's good reason for it, I will work through them, but if there's no good reason for it I'd suggest to remove that possibility, so that the INFO can appear only at the end of TABLE, RESOURCE and VOTABLE.
There is also a small number of typos and minor items:
-- Answer by FrancoisOchsenbein:
Thank you Mark for the detailed comments. I try to summarize in a few items the problems and issues:
I fully support Mark's comment on the INFO backward compatibility issues. It is an unnecessary burden for many of us, without a clear immediate advantage (as I understood it, it is only done to allow future extensibility). Especially important given that SIA 1.0 and SSA 1.04 relies on the INFO tag to provide QUERY_STATUS information and SERVICE_PROTOCOL versions; examples quoted from PR-SIA-1.0-20090521 and SSA-20080201 (REC):
<INFO name="QUERY_STATUS" value="OK"> Successful Search</INFO> <INFO name="QUERY_STATUS" value="ERROR">DEC out of range: DEC=91</INFO> <INFO name="SERVICE_PROTOCOL" value="1.02">SSAP</INFO>Hence, those protocols should be ammended, and all existing SIAP and SSAP services would need an upgrade, unless IVOA accept and handle multiple versions of those protocols requiring different votable versions (quite an unnecessary complication and a burden for applications developers).
-- Answer by FrancoisOchsenbein
SIA (as well as the ConeSearch) are not good examples because these recommendations correspond to protocols used since years but missing official recommendations until recently; and during the RFC period it was argued that nothing could be modified because these conventions are in use (BTW this concerns also the UCD1+ usage)
First off, +1 from me on the "first three issues" comment by Mark. But I have another one: I'm unhappy about the inclusion of the sample document with embedded STC in 3.1. In effect, it raises that note to a recommendation status, and I think it's too early for that since there's been very little discussion about it. So, I'd like to propose that the sample document is removed.
Background: The note has some issues I've sent to Francois, but mainly I think it's wrong to clobber the column's utype attributes for something so common -- it would mean that specific data models could not assign utypes of their own to columns carrying STC information (or clients would have to know all these data models to know what STC roles are behind these specific utypes). Also, libraries have a much easier time if STC info remains confined to one element rather than it being all over the VOTable. So, my suggestion was to reference the the columns from the AstroCoords group rather than the other way round, something like
<GROUP utype="stc:AstroCoords.Position2D.Value2.C1" ref="RA1"/>
But well, that's something to be discussed elsewhere. I just think we shouldn't promote the note to de-facto recommendation just yet.
-- Answer by FrancoisOchsenbein
I don't think this standard means a de-facto recommendation for the note; the STC is an example of how we can assign very accurate meaning to the data included in a VOTable. Your suggestion doesn't describe the coordinate system, epoch and/or equinox -- which is really important for the data consumer.
MIME Types The document proposes using application/x-votable+xml
for the VOTable MIME type: I don't believe this is appropriate for a standard that is intended to be taken seriously.
RFC 4288, sect 3.4 says:
These types are unregistered, experimental, and for use only with the active agreement of the parties exchanging them. [...] it should rarely, if ever, be necessary to use unregistered experimental types. Therefore, use of both "x-" and "x." forms is discouraged.Registering a separate media sub-type, as the FITS community did, may be appropriate (I've argued for this in the past, but acknowledge that this is potentially a non-trivial amount of work). If this really is too much work, then a 'vendor tree' registration (see sect 3.2) such as
might be appropriate, not least because I think it has lighter registration requirements. Sect 3.2 says While public exposure and review of media types to be registered in the vendor tree is not required, using the mailing list for review is strongly encouraged to improve the quality of those specifications, and this might be worth following up.
utypes: There is not yet any utypes standard document; is it appropriate to refer to utypes in an IVOA standard before utypes are themselves standardised? (unless standardisation of the current pre-draft is regarded as a foregone conclusion)
Code generation: for what it's worth, I also agree with Mark's remarks above about adding gratuitous attributes in order to work around claimed deficiencies in code-generation software. (i) there still doesn't appear to have been any convincing demonstration that this is a real problem (so it's sounding like the 'XML parsers reorder elements' myth), and (ii) if code-generation software produces wrong outputs for correct inputs, then ... use different software.
-- NormanGray 2009 Sep 6
-- Answer by FrancoisOchsenbein
The mime type was discussed several times and the terms of the document reflects, I think, the consensus which was reached. Trying to register a mime-type is a long-term enterprise; and personnally I prefer the term 'experimental mime type' rather than a 'vendor tree'
And yes an official document on utypes is missing (started by JonathanMcDowell, a long time ago; I don't know what's its current status).
xtype: While xtype is useful in services like TAP, the constants (STC-S and iso8601) are not that useful. One could use xtype="stc:Region" in place of STC-S and have the same meaning, with the additional clarity that stc:Region is a type while STC-S is a format (note: stc:Region has an implied STC-S format, but in services the allowed formats should be specified by the service; I am not sure if this is really the best choice from stc). Similarly, one could just use xtype="stc:ISOTime" directly. While the iso8601 xtype could be used in tap, the STC-S value does not distinguish between regions and points. In working on another problem, I came to the conclusion that point would be better handled by something like
xtype="stc:Position2D" datatype="double" arraysize="2" ref="the_coordsys"
and then the content is the usual comma-delimited pair of numeric values, and the ref connects the values to a common coordinate system. It is possible that the stc xtype(s) should have more extensive context that just the class names shown above... a detail.
Given that this can/should be done via STC (or other specifications that define datatypes), I think the pre-defined constants should be removed from the VOTable spec. They will just provide an additional choice and confusion for service implementors and application writers and STC already provides types for these two values.
-- PatrickDowler 2099/09/09
-- Answer by FrancoisOchsenbein
The proposed changes on the xtype attribute do not reflect the discussions about the necessity of introducing this new attribute for the TAP needs during the last Interop meeting. In your example, a utype would do exactly the same thing as your proposal, with a just a few characters more:
utype="stc:AstroCoords.Position2D.Value2" datatype="double" arraysize="2" ref="the_coordsys"
therefore I don't see the necessity for a xtype any more ? My understanding was the xtype is required in order to express the quantities used in ADQL queries -- not stc definitions.
These comments are restricted to typos and minor presentation items:
-- Answer by FrancoisOchsenbein: Thanks, will be fixed
I have two TCG-level concerns:
-- Answer by FrancoisOchsenbein
RayPlante comments: I don't think the necessary changes would be so great as to require another RFC; the revision would simply be in response to the RFC. In particular:We can pass these changes by all who commented on this topic; that, I think would suffice.
- in the document, replace the wording in s4.8, 1st paragraph with the wording in v1.1, s2, paragraph 4 ("An informative parameter (INFO) is a restricted form of the PARAM....")
- while I haven't considered all the implications, it seems that we can keep the change that allows INFO's use in additional locations.
- in the schema, uncomment out the "OLD INFO definition" and comment out the new one.
Again, I point out that this is not needed to solve current problems but rather causes problems of backward compatibility with other standards. Thus, if this is a really important evolution for the future, then perhaps it can tabled for a future when we are less dependent on ConeSearch and SIA.
RayPlante comments: I may have missed this, but I do not see a definitive statement in v1.1 that mandates the use of UCD1+. What I see in section 4.4 is:If we assume that VOTable indeed requires UCD1+, does that mean that VOTable v1.1 cannot be used with Cone Search and SIA? In fact, many implementations of these services use VOTable v1.1.
- a vague statement that UCDs are evolving
- examples using UCD1+
Seeing the remark from the Registry WG on section 4.5, if it is stated that any UCD standard is allowed, can we at least state that the ones standardized by IVOA are preferred?
RayPlante comments: Yes, that is what I'm suggesting.
Other than that, I approve the document. SebastienDerriere
-- Answer by FrancoisOchsenbein : as specified above the choice for UCD1+ is already effective.
Many expert eyes have gone over this document carefully, so I only focused on the changes between V1.1 and V1.2 that are noted in Section 8. These all seem in accord with the recent discussions.
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