Simple Cone Search version 1.03 Proposed Erratum 2: Drop mandatory version for VOTable response

Author: Marco Molinaro

Date last changed: 2021-11-17


Simple Cone Search specification, version 1.03, at Section 2, bullet 2 states that

The XML content of the response must be compliant with VOTable schema, 
version 1.0 [VOTable v1.0] or 1.1 [VOTable v1.1].

This limits currently available features like GROUP-s in RESOURCES-s that are useful to other Recommendations.

Erratum Content

This Erratum proposes to change, in Section 2, bullet 2 of Simple Cone Search - Version 1.03 the above sentence:

The XML content of the response must be compliant with VOTable schema, version 1.0 [VOTable v1.0] or 1.1 [VOTable v1.1].

with the following one:

The XML content of the response must be compliant with the VOTable Recommendation.

Thus leaving freedom of choice on the version of the VOTable in the response.

Impact Assessment

While this erratum might have an impact on the specification, no client-server impact is expected.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2021-11-17 - MarcoMolinaro
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