Server-side Operations for Data Access version 1.0 Proposed Erratum 2: Wrong VOTable syntax in polarization example

Author: François Bonnarel

Date last changed: 2023-01-20

Date accepted:


In section 4.2, the VOTable excerpt given for the POL PARAM is written following a wrong syntax for the OPTION element. The value of this element is coded as a content of the element instead of as a value of the "value" attribute of the element. In addition the closing tag of the VALUES element is wrongly written


instead of


This bug orignally described on github in SODA issue #1 (

Erratum Content

This Erratum proposes following changes.

Fix VOTable syntax

In §4.2 "*SODA Service Descriptor from DataLink*" of SODA-1.0, update the Polarization example OPTION tags in

<PARAM name="POL" ucd="meta.code;phys.polarization"
datatype="char" arraysize="*" value="">
<DESCRIPTION>Polarization states to be extracted.</DESCRIPTION>




<OPTION value="I"/>




<OPTION value="V"/>





Impact Assessment

Fixing the VOTable syntax in an example will make no harm to any service and will avoid implementers writng code delivering incorrect VOTables.

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Topic revision: r3 - 2023-01-23 - MarkTaylor
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