SSA v1.1 Erratum 5 - Clarify utype prefixing

Author: James Dempsey

Date last changed: 2023-12-04

Date accepted:

Github Issue: SSA Issue #9


The example responses show ssa: prefix utypes, however this is not currently specified in the normative text. Validators for SSA do require the ssa: prefix on utypes. This erratum will add a statement on the ssa: utype prefix to section 2.11.

Erratum Content

This erratum makes the following changes:

At the end of the first paragraph in section 2.11, add the following sentence:

All UTYPEs defined in this document should be presented with a namespace of "ssa:".

Impact Assessment

Validators such as PADC already require the ssa prefix. This erratum will make the namespace requirement clear to implementers.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2023-12-06 - MarkusDemleitner
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