The fifth edition of our telecon series will took place on Monday, January 17, 2022, at 16:00 UTC.
Here's the mintues:
Markus (U Heidelberg), Alberto (ADS), Carlo (Obs Paris), François (CDS), Laurent (Obs Strasbourg), Marco (Obs Trieste), Mireille (U Strasbg), Roberto introduce themselves.
Robert Rovetto (aspiring PhD student, searching for study programs. Independent in meantime. Space knowledge modeling, ontology, conceptual modeling focus) shows some perspectives on how to develop our various semantic resources into a consistent ontology. Carlo mentions that in our UCD development we may have reached a point where becoming more principled might actually help a lot, for instance where meta.ref.doi might now fan out into a lot of individual terms for all the different sorts of PIDs. Making the relationships between them more explicit would likely help a lot.
Baptiste mentions; it's not clear to the participants what it is actually used for. He also points to
Mireille gives a status update: It is on the way, the UCD board has been asked to validate the suggestions.
Carlo asks about PID UCDs (meta.ref.doi siblings/parents) for 1.5. Mireille reports meta.ref.epic, etc are in the review list; how many of these will we need? The use for this would probably that clients give buttons that resolve the IDs, so somehow the resolution strategy needs to be communicated. would work for all the PIDs using the http schema – which currently are a lot. ML to ask UCD board advice
Mireille again points out that UCDs help to tag data elements (columns) and it is difficult to do formal reasoning on top of them. She sees them at the leaves of a more structured tree, where UAT manipulates context objects that astronomy is interested in; this would provide a higher level of understanding and reasoning, representing binary stars, HII regions, Pulsar and their behavior, where UCDs just has tags for velocity, position, or temperature.
The DAL standards SSAP and SLAP require UCDs that are invalid by our rules. Rather than change the rules, we decided to fix the standards through errata. The first already exists:
Please have a look and review before it goes to the TCG.
(This was postponed to the next meeting)
The primary part of a UCD is supposed to give a basic idea of what something is. And Markus would say that a ratio of, say, temperatures is very fundamentally different from a temperature – it doesn't even have the same unit. He claims that it has a lot more ratio-ness then temperature-ness. With differences, that's perhaps less pronounced (at least the units match), but still.
As part of the vocabulary review, Markus has produced, which has been a PEN for a while now. We should have an internal review of this again and then pass it to the TCG in earnest.
This was postponed to the next meeting. Volunteers for pushing this ahead would be welcome.
François presents a few slides, but the main discussion is also postponed to the next meeting.
I | Attachment | History | Action | Size | Date | Who![]() |
Comment |
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Semantics1701-bis.pdf | r1 | manage | 207.0 K | 2022-01-18 - 11:30 | FrancoisBonnarel | new dataproduct type skos vocabulary discussion |
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Semantics1701.pdf | r1 | manage | 261.2 K | 2022-01-18 - 11:29 | FrancoisBonnarel | VEP-009 discussion |
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